Corps professoral & recherche
Pôles d’Excellence : une expertise à 360° en prise avec les défis de la société
The World We Want
Comment construire un monde meilleur ?
« Inclusion », « durabilité », « bien-être » : l’occurrence de ces mots et des concepts qu’ils embrassent progressent dans la société et les entreprises depuis plusieurs années. L’ONU a même identifié « 17 objectifs pour transformer notre monde ». Dans ce Pôle, la recherche vise à soutenir les entreprises, les organisations et les institutions dans leurs stratégies pour instaurer un monde meilleur.
« Le Pôle promeut la recherche interdisciplinaire axée vers les grands enjeux de durabilité et de développement durable. Nous sommes un groupe de chercheurs diversifiés et ouverts d’esprit, et nous proposons des opportunités d’échange et de développement à des collègues travaillant au sein de différents paradigmes méthodologiques. Nous organisons des séminaires, des ateliers de recherche, des retraites d’écriture, des conférences et d’autres événements universitaires avec la participation d’éminents chercheurs internationaux dans notre domaine », explique Paolo Antonetti, Directeur du Pôle The World We Want.
Thèmes structurants du pôle
2023 – 2024
RAYNAUD, S., M. C. ZANETTE, C. VALOR MARTÍNEZ, P. ANTONETTI, " “I want world peace… oh, and bigger boobs”: repetitions and stereotyping on Friends’ sustainable character Phoebe", Journal of Marketing Management, August 2024, pp. 1-27.
MATOS, S. V., M. C. SCHLEPER, J. K. HALL, C. M. BAUM, S. LOW, B. K. SOVACOOL, "Beyond the new normal for sustainability: transformative operations and supply chain management for negative emissions", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, August 2024, vol. 44, no. 13, pp. 263-295.
SHARMA, M., R. ANTONY, S. VADALKAR, A. ISHIZAKA, "Role of Industry 4.0 technologies and human-machine interaction for de-carbonization of food supply chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, August 2024, vol. 468, pp. 142922.
ZANNAD, H., L. HIRECHE-BAIADA, "Quand tout est à (re)construire : la dynamique des ressources de carrière en contexte préjudiciable", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, August 2024, no. 132, pp. 40-59.
DUBOIS, S., J. PRALONG, "Modèle patrimonial et crime organisé : le cas de la Corse", Annales des Mines - Gérer et comprendre, June 2024, no. 156, pp. 31-38.
BOZIC, B., S. SABINA, "The profession that came in from the cold: Trust and distrust in espionage", Journal of Professions and Organization, June 2024.
TYLER, B., B. LAHNEMAN, D. CERRATO, A. DISCUA CRUZ, K. BEUKEL, N. SPIELMANN, M. MINCIULLO, "Environmental practice adoption in SMEs: The effects of firm proactive orientation and regulatory pressure", Journal of Small Business Management, June 2024, vol. 62, no. 5.
BONCORI, I., D. N. BREWIS, E. MANDALAKI, N. VAN AMSTERDAM - "Embodied writing" - 2024, Culture and Organization, June 2024.
DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., R. FANG, S. SUN, "The Role of Job Search Experience in the Emergence of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes" in Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, 2024.
ANTONETTI, P., I. BAGHI, "Who can afford to blame? Sender effects in blame-shifting crisis communications", European Journal of Marketing, April 2024.
BELAOUNIA, S., P. NGUYEN, N. RAHMAN, R. ZHAO, "Regulatory quality and corporate leverage: Evidence from a large international sample", Management International, April 2024.
HAMZI, L., C. WILLIAMS, N. ANARAKI, C. WIJEWARDENA, "Exploring the effect of the Arab Spring on the relationship between foreign aid and corruption", International Studies of Management and Organization, April 2024, pp. 1-23.
PATEL, T., R. BOTE, J. STANISLJEVIC, "The ethical challenges of teaching business ethics: ethical sensemaking through the Goffmanian lens", Journal of Business Ethics, April 2024, vol. 190, no. 1, pp. 23-40.
MATTHEWS, L., S. GOLD, M. C. SCHLEPER, "EXPRESS: Broadening the Scope of OSCM Scholarship on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Justice, Paradox, and Dialectical Lenses", Production and Operations Management, March 2024.
BEN ABDELAZIZ, F., Y.-T. CHEN, P. DEY, "Supply chain resilience, organizational well-being, and sustainable performance: A comparison between the UK and France", Journal of Cleaner Production, March 2024, vol. 444, pp. 141215.
HOLGADO, M., C. BLOME, M. C. SCHLEPER, N. SUBRAMANIAN, "Brilliance in resilience: operations and supply chain management’s role in achieving a sustainable future", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, March 2024.
CLAVIJO, N., E. MANDALAKI, "The wor(l)d is out:Toward a healing organizational autoethnography in/through feminist reading and writing", Organization, March 2024.
LUONG, V. H., A. MANTHIOU, J. KANG, C. NGUYEN, "The building blocks of regenerative tourism and hospitality: A text-mining approach.", Current Issues in Tourism, March 2024, vol. 27, no. 3.
SPIELMANN, N., P. ROSSI, "Let’s Drink to That! How Wider Glass Rim Leads to More Pleasurable Purchases", Journal of Business Research, March 2024, vol. 175.
SPIELMANN, N., P. GOMEZ, E. MINTON, "The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024, vol. 19, pp. 413–437.
TAGHAVI, S., E. MANDALAKI, H. ZANNAD, "Socio-Professional Trajectories of Refugees in France: An Identity Work Perspective", M@n@gement, March 2024, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 57-75.
MANDALAKI, E., "Affective diaries of quarantine: Writing as mourning", Organization, March 2024, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 335-357. 1
HERNÁNDEZ CASTRO, G. Z., N. KERVYN, E. MANDALAKI, M. PÉREZTS, R. A. GÓMEZ ZÚÑIGA, S. G. ROJAS PÉREZ, "“Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography", Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire/International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, February 2024, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 25-36.
CUI, Q., J. ANTUNES, P. WANKE, Y. TAN, D. ROUBAUD, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, "The impact of Chinese airport infrastructure on airline pollutant emissions: A hybrid stochastic-neural network approach based on utility functions", Journal of Environmental Management, February 2024, vol. 352, pp. 120117.
WILLIAMS, C., J. J. YOU, N. SPIELMANN, "The effect of breadth of external pressure on leaders in small and medium-sized enterprises: does the firm become more entrepreneurial?", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, February 2024.
MANDALAKI, E., A. PRASAD, "Racialized experiences as in-betweenness in academia", Organization, January 2024, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 199-212.
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J. M. GUAITA MARTINEZ, E. MONTESINOS SANSALONI, "Sustainable esports entrepreneurs in emerging countries: Audacity, resourcefulness, innovation, transmission, and resilience in adversity", Journal of Business Research, January 2024, vol. 171, pp. 114382.
VALEAU, P., L. GABAY-MARIANI , P. PAILLE, "How initial and long-terme commitment profiles shape entrepreneurial persistence overtime", Journal of Business Research, January 2024, no. 170.
HARASHEH, M., A. BOUTESKA, R. MANITA, "Investors' preferences for sustainable investments: Evidence from the U.S. using an experimental approach", Economics Letters, January 2024, vol. 234, no. 111428.
RAINATTO, G. M., A. B. LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, M. C. MACHADO, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, S. SUNIL TIWARI, "How can companies better engage consumers in the transition towards circularity? Case studies on the role of the marketing mix and nudges", Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2024, vol. 434, pp. 1-11.
BERKOWITZ, H., A. SOUCHAUD, “Filling successive technologically-induced governance gaps: meta-organizations as regulatory innovation intermediaries”, Technovation, January 2024, vol. 129.
COBELLI, N., F. CASSIA, A. ZARDINI, V. G. KUPPELWIESER, "Pharmacies providing health services: Attitudes toward eHealth in Italy", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, January 2024, vol. 76.
ECHEFAJ, K., A. CHARKAOUI, A. CHERRAFI, S. TIWARI, P. SHARMA, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, "From linear to circular sustainable supply chain network optimisation: towards a conceptual framework", Production Planning and Control, January 2024, pp. 1-25.
KAASILA‐PAKANEN, A., P. JÄÄSKELÄINEN, G. GAO, E. MANDALAKI, L. E. ZHANG, K. EINOLA, J. JOHANSSON, A. PULLEN, "Writing touch, writing (epistemic) vulnerability", Gender, Work and Organization, January 2024, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 264-283.
SAEED, A., Z. NOOR, M. W. ZAFAR, R. MANITA, “The role of audit quality in waste management behavior”, International Review of Economics and Finance, January 2024, vol. 89, no. A, pp. 1203-1216.
SHAO, J., J. DAI, A. PAULRAJ, K.-H. LAI, Y. SHOU, "Innovation as a Differentiation Strategy: Its Differential Substitution Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, January 2024, vol. 71, pp. 6770 – 6783
HAN, S., Z. LIU, Z. DENG, S. GUPTA, P. MIKALEF, "Exploring the effect of digital CSR communication on firm performance: A deep learning approach", Decision Support Systems, January 2024, vol. 176, no. 114047, pp. 114047.
LETHIELLEUX, L., C. ANDRE, M. THENOT, N. BEFORT, "Responsibility or (ir)responsibility of companies in waste management:a multidisciplinary approach" in The World Recycling Convention, 2023, Madrid, Spain.
BEFORT, N., P. GROUIEZ, R. DEBREF, F. VIVIEN, "Les récits de la bioéconomie comme grille de lecture des tensions sur les transformations écologiques du capitalisme", Revue de la régulation, December 2023, vol. 2nd semester, no. 35.
MINTON, E. A., N. SPIELMANN, P. GOMEZ, "If I Understand Why a Product Looks Weird, Will I Buy It?", Journal of Advertising Research, December 2023, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 402-417.
GROUIEZ, P., R. DEBREF, F. VIVIEN, N. BEFORT, "The complex relationships between non-food agriculture and the sustainable bioeconomy: The French case", Ecological Economics, December 2023, vol. 214, pp. 107974.
PAILLE, P., P. VALÉAU, A. CARBALLO-PENELA, "Green rewards for optimizing employee environmental performance: Examining the role of perceived organizational support for the environnemental and internal environmental orientation", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, December 2023, vol. 66, no. 14, pp. 2810-2831.
ALI, M., M. MALIK, M. Z. YAQUB, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, A. B. LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, H. LATAN, "Green means long life - green competencies for corporate sustainability performance: A moderated mediation model of green organizational culture and top management support", Journal of Cleaner Production, November 2023, vol. 427.
KAASILA-PAKANEN, A.-L., E. MANDALAKI, "Reclaiming academic writing as a hysterical practice", Organization, November 2023.
YANG, Z., Q. LI, V. CHARLES, B. XU, S. GUPTA, "Supporting personalized new energy vehicle purchase decision-making: Customer reviews and product recommendation platform", International Journal of Production Economics, November 2023, vol. 265, no. 109003, pp. 109003
MEBARKI, L., J.-B. SUQUET, "Coping with customer misconduct through communities of practice", Management International, November 2023, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 81-92.
SPIELMANN, N., C. WILLIAMS, A. K. KOHLI, "Local Roots and Global Responsibility: Terroir Brands and their Responsible Engagement", Journal of International Marketing, November 2023.
BHARDWAJ, S., D. MAHAPATRA, A. BEHL, V. PEREIRA, A. SHANKAR, "Underrated yet successful! A framework of invisible-disabled underdog entrepreneurs", Journal of Business Research, November 2023, vol. 168, no. 114199.
MALIK, M., M. ALI, H. LATAN, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, "Green project management practices, green knowledge acquisition and sustainable competitive advantage: empirical evidence", Journal of Knowledge Management, October 2023, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 2350-2375.
BORRAZ, S., C. DUBREUIL, "I Don’t Feel Any Guilt: How Consumers Justify the Boundaries of their Ethical Green Consumption Practices" in Association for Consumer Research Conference, Seattle, October 23, Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 51, pp. 548, 2023.
SCHNEIDER DALLOLIO, A., M. C. ZANETTE, E. PEREIRA ZAMITH BRITO, "Unpacking the spillover effect of liminality: preteens’ mothers’ experience as emotionally connected participants", Journal of Marketing Management, October 2023, vol. 39, no. 15-16, pp. 1-27.
CLAVIJO, N., L. PERRAY-REDSLOB, E. MANDALAKI, "Cracking a brick in the master's house: counter practices as counter-accounts of difference and survival", Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, October 2023.
PUESCHEL, J., S. BORRAZ, "What does Luxury Meme? New Cultural Intermediaries and the Reconfiguration of Marketplace Meanings" in Association for Consumer Research Conference, Seattle, October 23, Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 51, pp. 416, 2023.
ZHANG, Q., R. DING, D. CHEN, X. ZHANG, "The effects of mandatory ESG disclosure on price discovery efficiency around the world", International Review of Financial Analysis, October 2023, vol. 89, no. 102811, pp. 102811.
DOS SANTOS LEITE GONELLA, J., M. GODINHO FILHO, G. M. D. GANGA, H. LATAN, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, "Towards a regenerative economy: An innovative scale to measure people’s awareness of the circular economy", Journal of Cleaner Production, October 2023, vol. 421.
LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, A. B., H. LATAN, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, B. M. R. P. SELES, "Does applying a circular business model lead to organizational resilience? Mediating effects of industry 4.0 and customers integration", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, September 2023, vol. 194, pp. 122672.
SINDHWANI, R., N. HASTEER, A. BEHL, C. CHATTERJEE, L. HAMZI, "Analysis of sustainable supply chain and industry 4.0 enablers: a step towards decarbonization of supply chains", Annals of Operations Research, September 2023.
SHARMA, R., S. KAMBLE, S. GUPTA, A. BELHADI, N. P. RANA, K. KUMAR, "Interlinkages Between Digital-Social Entrepreneurship and Technological Capabilities for Sustainable Value Creation", Journal of Global Information Management, September 2023, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-26.
BOTE, R., T. WANG, C. GENET, "You Say Social Agenda, I Say My Job: Navigating Moral Ambiguities by Frontline Workers in a Social Enterprise", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2023.
JULKOVSKI, D. J., S. SEHNEM, M. D. C. P. RAMOS, C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, "Circular business models and the environment: Maturity levels of the circular economy and innovation in greener craft breweries", Business Strategy and the Environment, September 2023, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 3465-3488.
VAZQUEZ-BRUST, D., C. J. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, J. A. PLAZA-UBEDA, M. PEREZ-VALLS, A. B. LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, D. W. SCOTT RENWICK, "The role of green human resource management in the translation of greening pressures into environmental protection practices", Business Strategy and the Environment, September 2023, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 3628-3648.
PAILLE, P., V. SANCHEZ-FAMOSO, P. VALEAU, S. REN, J.-H. MEJIA-MORELOS, "Green HRM Through Social Exchange revisited: When Negotiated Exchanges Shape Cooperation", International Journal of Human Resource Management, September 2023, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 3277-3307.
LÓPEZ, C., A. ISHIZAKA, M. GUL, M. YÜCESAN, D. VALENCIA, "A calibrated Fuzzy Best-Worst-method to reinforce supply chain resilience during the COVID 19 pandemic", Journal of the Operational Research Society, September 2023, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 1968-1991.
AZADI, M., Z. MOGHADDAS, R. F. SAEN, A. GUNASEKARAN, S. K. MANGLA, A. ISHIZAKA, "Using network data envelopment analysis to assess the sustainability and resilience of healthcare supply chains in response to the COVID-19 pandemic", Annals of Operations Research, September 2023, vol. 1, no. 328, pp. 107–150.
DUBREUIL, C., D. DION, S. BORRAZ, "For the Love of the Game: Moral Ambivalence and Justification Work in Consuming Violence", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2023, vol. 186, pp. 675–694.
- Paper development workshop - Thursday, 9 November 2023, Paris Campus: A paper development workshop led by the JPIM Editors-in-Chief, Charles Noble and Jelena Spanjol.
- Research Talk -Tuesday, 28 November, Paris Campus: Research talk by Gerarda Caso: Curbing Excessive Red and Processed Meat Consumption: insights from two studies.
- Conference - Sunday to Tuesday, 25-27 August 2024, Reims Campus, Room TBC. Sport, Business and Society Conference.
The World We Want – Inclusion, Equality, Diversity Sub Area
- Editor's Talk - Thursday, 3 October, 2023: Martyna Sliwa Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies as well as Associate Dean for Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at Durham University Business School. As Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Management Learning, Martyna has shared her rich editorial experiences, offer key facts and information in relation to the journal’s objectives with regards to potential submissions to Management Learning.
- Editor's Talk - Thursday, 23 November 2023, Online: Frank den Hond, Professor in Management and Organisation at Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki, Finland), and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly.
- Editor's Talk - Thursday, 25 January 2024, Online: Prof. Edward Freeman University Professor, Olsson Professor, and Academic Director of the Institute for Business in Society at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. He is best known for his award-winning book, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach (Pitman, 1984; and reprinted by Cambridge University Press in 2010).
- Writing Retreat - Thursday 2nd- Friday 3rd May, 2024, Reims Campus: Emmanouela Mandelaki has organized this 1.5-day writing retreat focusing writing academic work through engagement with diverse writing patterns and methods. This year, host Silvia Gherardi, Senior Professor of Sociology of Organization at the University of Trento, and Jenny Helin, Associate Professor of Organizations at Uppsala University.
The World We Want – Finance for Good
- Conference - Thursday 23rd May 2024, Paris Campus: conference on Sustainable Finance, Keynote Speakers: Professor Vikas Agarwal, Distinguished Professor at Georgia State University, and Professor Stefano Lovo, Professor of Finance at HEC Paris.
Exemples de cours associés à ce sous-domaine : "Sustainable Finance", "Sustainable Reporting", "Managing Social Responsibility, Governance & Ethics", "Business Ethics", "Business Ethics" (e-learning module), "Equity Diversity and Inclusion", "Corporate Social Responsibility", "Circular Economy: Food Economics, Agribusiness and Sustainability", "Act for a sustainable transition” "Diversity & Sustainability Management in the Luxury Industry", "Ethics and Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry", Economics of the Ecological Transition", "Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship” "The Social Impact of Globalisation and innovation", "Sustainable transition seminar", "Innovation in Nutrition & Health” "UN Day and International Climate Negotiations"
Hedia ZANNAD et Pierre LESCOAT participent à la rédaction d’un livre visant à quantifier l’égalité sur le lieu de travail. En contribuant à cet ouvrage, Pierre Lescoat, du Département Comptabilité, contrôle et affaires juridiques, et Hedia Zannad, du Département Hommes et Organisations, démontrent l’intérêt des professeurs de NEOMA, en tant que communauté de chercheurs, pour la recherche transdisciplinaire qui traite des questions sociales contemporaines. En savoir plus >
Aloïs Kanyinda a coécrit un ouvrage collectif récompensé par l’Organisation internationale de la vigne et du vin (OIV) : ce livre, réalisé par le collectif UNIVIGNE, projet multidisciplinaire sur l’évolution du secteur du champagne financé par la Région Grand Est, a été primé par l’OIV. La contribution d’Alois Kanyinda s’intéresse à l’impact du changement climatique sur la gestion de la vigne en Champagne-Ardenne.
Chaires, partenaires et projets financés
Le Pôle comprend trois projets de recherche financés en externe :
- La Covid-19 est-elle insensible aux questions d’égalité des sexes ? Données du secteur des Hedge Funds (fonds spéculatifs) (l’Institut Europlace de Finance – Fondation Louis Bachelier), dont l’objectif est de comprendre les relations entre le genre, les circonstances de la vie personnelle et la performance au travail chez les gestionnaires de fonds spéculatifs.
- Blueprint to a Circular Economy (Interreg, UE), dont l’objectif est de tester des solutions innovantes afin d’accélérer la transition vers une économie circulaire.
- AgroBioEst (Région Grand Est), dont l’objectif est d’étudier la transition vers une agriculture durable par le biais de la bioéconomie.
Le Pôle intègre également la Chaire Bioéconomie et Développement Soutenable, financée par la Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims, la fondation Paris-Reims et la Chambre de commerce de la Marne. Créée en 2012, la Chaire étudie comment la bioéconomie peut faciliter l’évolution vers la transition écologique.
« Barbecue gate » : oui, les hommes sont moins écolos et il faut que ça change
Sophie Raynaud, Doctorante et Assistante de recherche à NEOMA a écrit une tribune publiée dans Les Echos Start (13 sept.2022). Lire en ligne
Quand les innovations environnementales sont menacées par leur utilisation : l’exemple des bioplastiques
Quels critères peuvent nous garantir que l’innovation est bénéfique pour l’environnement ? Quand l’innovation réduit-elle la consommation de ressources ? À quel point limite-t-elle notre impact sur les écosystèmes ? Nicolas Béfort, Directeur de la Chaire Bioéconomie et Développement Soutenable à NEOMA BS, répond à la question. Lire l'article
Qu’est-ce qu’un label ?
Nicolas Béfort s’est interrogé sur la définition d’un label en répondant à la question du jour dans l’avant JT sur France 3.
L’hydrogène, notre avenir ?
Valery MICHAUX partage son analyse dans « Hydrogène vert produit et utilisé localement, une autre vision du futur » dans The Conversation, 01/06/2021