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Le Monde de NEOMA

Thématiques :

Organisés par le département Stratégie et Entrepreneuriat de NEOMA, les séminaires ont pour objectif de produire des connaissances par l’interaction entre des chercheurs de premier plan du domaine.

Les séminaires sont accessibles à la Faculté de NEOMA ainsi qu’aux chercheurs des autres institutions.

Pour vous inscrire ou plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à contacter Margherita CORINA, margherita.corina@neoma-bs.fr ou Jihye YEO, jihye.yeo@neoma-bs.fr.

Séminaires 2024-25

(mis à jour régulièrement)

Thursday 26 September – Paris Campus

  • Franco Malerba (Emeritus Professor, Bocconi University) – “Pre-Entry Experience and the Heterogeneity of Startup Performance in Nascent Industries: Evidence from the Artificial Intelligence Industry, 1980–2014”.

Thursday 14 November, 10:30-12:30 – Paris Campus, rooms 203b and 204

  • 10:30 – 11:00 : Welcome coffee
  • 11:00 – 12:30 :  Research seminar – Professor Nicolai Foss, Copenhagen Business School – “CEO Divorce, Psychological Stress, and Firm Performance: Gender Effects and Consequences for Wages and Mobility” (paper forthcoming).
  • 12:30 – 13:30 : Lunch on campus

Friday 31 January, 10:30-12:30 – Paris campus, rooms 205 and 206

  • 10:30 – 11:00: Welcome coffee
  • 11:00 – 12:30: Research seminar – Professor Anne Jacqueminet, ESSEC Business School – “Environmental Disclosure and Analysts’ Recommendations” (paper co-authored with Emanuele Bettinazzi).
  • 12:30 – 13:30: Lunch on campus

Thursday, 6 February, 9:30-22:00 – Paris campus, rooms 302a and 302b

Research workshop co-organised with NEOMA area of excellence, The World we Want.

In collaboration with Women Entrepreneurship research alliance, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, and Symbiosis international University, Pune, India.

The workshop will bring together prominent scholars as well as practitioners to build a constructive dialogue on the present and the future of entrepreneurship research and practice in the development arena.

Sub themes include:

  • Social entrepreneurship and informal entrepreneurship
  • Gender/women entrepreneurship in emerging and transition economies
  • Digital entrepreneurship for development


Sophie Bacq, Professor of Social Entrepreneurship and Coca-Cola Foundation Chair in Sustainable Development at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland. Field Editor at Journal of Business Venturing.

Samuel Adomako, Associate Professor of Strategy at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK. Associate editor of Business Strategy and the Environment.

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group, funds, supports and accelerates the transition to a fairer and more sustainable world.

Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), a pioneering impact investment group entirely dedicated to financing and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Organising committee: Rose Bote, Bisrat Misganaw


Speakers coming soon (dates to be confirmed)

  • Mario Amore (Bocconi University)
  • Andrea Fosfuri (Bocconi University)
  • Tomi Laamanen (Universität St.Gallen)
  • Sophie Bacq (IMD)
  • Mickaël Buffart (Stockholm School of Economics)

Séminaires de l’année académique précédente

  • Philipp Meyer-Doyle (Insead)
  • Grégoire CROIDIEU (EM Lyon) – Navigating the Policy-Accountability Gap: Substitutive Decoupling and the Cultural Production of Compliance in Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Anne-Sophie FERNANDEZ, Ph.D. (University of Montpellier & Montpellier Research in Management)
  • Joao ALBINO-PIMENTEL, (University of South Carolina-USA) – “Undercover Operations? MNE ‘Concealed Distancing’ in Hostile Geopolitical Environments”
  • Sandeep Pillai (Bocconi University)