ZHANG Haiyan
PhD, Politique et gestion du développement
Dr. Haiyan ZHANG est Professeur Associé à NEOMA Business School et directeur de NEOMA Confucius Institute for Business à Rouen. Il est titulaire d'un Master et d'un Doctorat en administration et gestion publiques de l'Université d'Anvers. Son domaine d'enseignement couvre la gestion stratégique, les affaires internationales, l'environnement économique et commercial asiatique, les marchés émergents et les entreprises multinationales basées sur les marchés émergents. Ses recherches portent sur les activités commerciales internationales des entreprises chinoises et chinoises d'outre-mer, les questions de gestion des coentreprises internationales dans les économies en transition, les agglomérations industrielles de haute technologie en Chine, les investissements étrangers directs chinois en Europe, les relations entre l'UE et la Chine en matière d'investissements étrangers directs, etc. Il a publié des articles dans des revues telles que Management International Review. Il a été consultant pour des associations professionnelles, des institutions gouvernementales et des entreprises multinationales sur divers sujets.
Domaines de spécialisation
- Stratégie internationale
- Entreprises asiatiques
- Marchés émergents
- Entreprises multinationales chinoises
Récentes contributions académiques
ZHANG, H., F. DE BEULE, "The impact of contextual distance on the investment locations of Chinese multinationals in countries along the Belt and Road initiative", Asia Pacific Business Review, Mars 2024, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 220-250
DOI : 10.1080/13602381.2022.2093524 -
DE BEULE, F., H. ZHANG, "The impact of government policy on Chinese investment locations: An analysis of the Belt and Road policy announcement, host-country agreement, and sentiment", Journal of international business policy, Juin 2022, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 194–217
DOI : 10.1057/s42214-021-00129-2 -
DE BEULE, F., P. DE LOMBAERDE, H. ZHANG, "The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: strategic responses of governments and multinational companies", Asia Pacific Business Review, Juillet 2022
DOI : 10.1080/13602381.2022.2093529
ZHANG, H., F. DE BEULE, "The impact of contextual distance on the investment locations of Chinese multinationals in countries along the Belt and Road initiative", Asia Pacific Business Review, Mars 2024, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 220-250
DOI : 10.1080/13602381.2022.2093524 -
DE BEULE, F., H. ZHANG, "The impact of government policy on Chinese investment locations: An analysis of the Belt and Road policy announcement, host-country agreement, and sentiment", Journal of international business policy, Juin 2022, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 194–217
DOI : 10.1057/s42214-021-00129-2 -
DE BEULE, F., P. DE LOMBAERDE, H. ZHANG, "The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: strategic responses of governments and multinational companies", Asia Pacific Business Review, Juillet 2022
DOI : 10.1080/13602381.2022.2093529 -
DE BEULE, F., D.SOMERS, H.ZHANG, "Who Follows Whom? A Location Study of Chinese Private and State-Owned Companies in the European Union", Management International Review, Février 2018, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 43-84
DOI : 10.1007/s11575-017-0330-2 -
ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "China’s direct investment in the European Union: a new regulatory challenge?", Asia Europe Journal, Mars 2014, no. 12, pp. 159-177
ZHANG, H., Z.YANG, D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Geographical Agglomeration of Indian and Chinese Multinationals in Europe: A Comparative Analysis", Science, Technology & Society, Novembre 2012, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 385–408
DOI : 10.1177/097172181201700303 -
ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, L.XIAORONG , "Interaction Between the Business Environment and the Corporate Strategic Positioning of Firms in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Study of the Entry and Expansion Path of MNEs into China", Management International Review, Janvier 1999, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 353-375
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- ZHANG, H., H.-Y.HAN, "Changing patterns in China's trade and FDI" dans The Political Economy of New Regionalisms in the Pacific Rim., José Briceño-Ruiz, Philippe De Lombaerde Routledge Eds, Routledge, pp. 181-209, 2019
- ZHANG, H., "The role of migration in shaping china’s economic relations with its main partners" dans Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe., Marco Sanfilippo, Agnieszka Weinar Eds, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
- DE BEULE, F., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, H.ZHANG, "Impact of Outward Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Policy: Evidence From Newly Industrialized, Emerging, and Developing Asian Economie" dans Transnational Firms, Markets and Institutions., A. Verbeke Ed., Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 281-302, 2014
- ZHANG, H., R.LIU , Z.YANG, "How does a researcher become an entrepreneur in the high-tech industrial cluster? A Case Study" dans Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer: Universities and Firms towards Regional Competitiveness., Ferreira, J.J.M., Raposo, M., Rutten, R., Varga, A. Eds, Springer, pp. 59-80, 2013
- ZHANG, H., F.DE BEULE, D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Chinese Outward Direct Investment in Europe and Belgium: Characteristics and Policy" dans Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their impact on Europe., Louis Brennan Ed., Palgrave Macmillan Editions, pp. 195-225, 2011
- ZHANG, H., F.DE BEULE, D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "The reciprocal relationship between TNCS and clusters: A virtuous or Vicious Cycle?"" dans Handbook of Research on Clusters: Theories, Policies and Case Studies., Charlie Karlsson Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008
- ZHANG, H., "Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the Agglomeration of China’s Electronics Industry" dans Translational Corporations and Economic Development: From Internationalisation to Globalisation., L. Cuyvers and F. De Beule Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-164, 2007
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "China’s Pharmaceutical Industry: Multinational Enterprises and Regional Agglomeration" dans Knowledge Based Industries, Employment and Global Competitiveness., N. S. Siddharthan and Hashim Ed., Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "The Ownership Structure of Belgian Companies: Evidence about a Small Open Economy in the Globalization Process" dans Globalization and the Small Open Economy., D. Van Den Bulcke and A. Verbeke Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 139-172, 2002
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "China's New Initiatives towards The Reform of State Owned Enterprises" dans Policy and Management in an Imperfect World., N. Vrijens and T. Notteboom Ed., Festschrift M. Van Hecke, pp. 217-238, 2001
- ZHANG, H., B.D. VAN DEN, "Internationalisation of ethnic Chinese-owned Enterprises: A Network Approach" dans The Globalisation of Chinese Business Firms., H. W. and K. Olds Ed., MacMillan, pp. 126-149, 2000
- ZHANG, H., B.D. VAN DEN, "The Restructuring of the Chinese Automotive Industry, The Role of FDI and Impact of European Multinational Enterprises" dans International Business: Emerging Issues and Emerging Markets., C. Millar and Chong Choi Ed., MacMillan, pp. 290-312, 2000
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "The Development of Local Marketing Knowledge within Joint Ventures: An Analysis of the Performance of Belgian Multinationals in China" dans Globalization, the Multinational Firm and Emerging Countries, Advances in International Marketing., A. Yaprak, H. Tutek and K. Fitzgerald Eds, Editions Elsevier, pp. 315-337, 2000
- ZHANG, H., B.D. VAN DEN, "Foreign Direct Investment in China: Interactions between Government Policies and Multinational Investment Strategies" dans International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Environment., P.K.M. Tharakan and D. Van Den Bulcke Ed., MacMillan, pp. 135-159, 1997
- ZHANG, H., "European Integration, Corporate Globalisation and Belgian FDI in Central and Eastern Europe: A Preliminary Analysis, Enterprise" dans Proceedings of Second International Conference, University of Split, Split,., Ed., Faculty of Economics, pp. 429-433, 1997
- ZHANG, H., F.DE BEULE, B.D. VAN DEN, "Rapid Changes in the Investment Development Path of China" dans Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for Economic Restructuring., J.H. Dunning and R. Narula Ed., MacMillan, 1996
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "International Management Strategies of Chinese Multinational Firms" dans Management Issues for China in the 1990s: International Enterprises., J. Child and Yuan Liu Ed., Routledge, pp. 141-164, 1996
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Chinese Family Owned Multinationals in the Philippines and the Internationalisation Process" dans Chinese Business Enterprise in Asia: A Long Term Perspective., R. Brown Ed., Routledge, pp. 214-246, 1995
- D. VAN DEN, B., H.ZHANG, "The Development of Local Marketing Knowledge within Joint Ventures: An Analysis of the Performance of Belgian Multinationals in China" dans High Speed Competition in a New Europe, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of EIBA., K. Obloj Ed., University of Warsaw, pp. 129-162, 1994
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Belgian Equity Joint Ventures in China: Some Considerations and Evidence" dans Joint Ventures in the PRC, Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies., S. Stewart Ed., JAI Press Inc, pp. 147-161, 1993
- ZHANG, H., D. VAN DEN BULCKE, M. ESTEVES, European Union Direct Investment in China: Characteristics, Challenges and Perspectives, Routledge, 2003
Academic conferences
- ZHANG, H., "EU-China Cross-border Investment: Challenges in the Era of Deglobalization" dans UACES Conference, 2017, Krakow, Pologne
- ZHANG, H., "The role of migration in shaping China's FDI and trade relations with its main partners" dans The 10th International Conference on Multinational Enterprises, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, 2014, Taïwan, Province De Chine
- ZHANG, H., Y.ZHI, V. D. B.D., "Geographical agglomeration of Indian and Chinese multinationals in Europe: A comparative analysis" dans VI Annual International Conference of Knowledge Forum, International Centre, 2011, Inde
- ZHANG, H., "The Development of China’s Automotive Industry: A Challenge in the Nexus between Localisation and Globalisation" dans Conference on Globalisation of Chinese and Indian Enterprises, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology & Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing, Mumbai, 2007, Inde
- ZHANG, H., "Multinational Enterprises and Regional Agglomeration of China’s Pharmaceutical Industry" dans International Workshop: "The rapid industrialization of China and India: Domestic and International Consequences", University of Antwerp, 2006, Belgique
- ZHANG, H., "Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the Agglomeration of China’s Electronics Industry" dans 30th Annual Conference of the EIBA, 2004, Slovénie
- ZHANG, H., "Privatisation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Restructuring in China and Central and Eastern Europe" dans New Horizons for Belgian and European Enterprises in China and Central and Eastern Europe: Restructuring from a WTO and EU Perspective, 2004, Belgique
- ZHANG, H., B.D. VAN DEN, "Chinese Outward Direct Investment Revisited: Experiences, Characteristics and Trends" dans Small Open Economies in the globalisation process: Evidence from the ownership structure of Belgian companies, AIB Annual Conference, 2001, Australie
- ZHANG, H., B.D. VAN DEN, "Chinese Outward Direct Investment Revisited: Experiences, Characteristics and Trends" dans AIB Annual Meeting, 2000, États-Unis
- ZHANG, H., V.D., B.DEN, "Joint Venture Alliances with Chinese State Owned Enterprises: Strategic Options for Foreign Multinational Enterprises" dans International Conference on Economies in Transition at the Turn of the Century, Institute of European Studies of Macao, 1999, Chine
- ZHANG, H., V. D. B.D., "European FDI in China: Some Salient and Evolving Features" dans International Conference on Major Challenges for European Corporations in Asian Globalising Economy, 1998
- ZHANG, H., V. D. B.D., E.C.M., "European Multinationals in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry: Timing and Size Effects" dans International Conference on China and Zhuhai in the globalisation of the world economy, 1998, Chine
- ZHANG, H., V.D., B.DEN, "Sourcing Strategies of European Multinational Enterprises in China" dans 24th Annual Conference of the EIBA, 1998, Israël
- ZHANG, H., V. D. B.D., "Significance of Central and Eastern Europe in the Strategic Restructuring of Belgian Transnational Corporations: Four Case Studies" dans 5th Annual Conference of Marketing Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe, 1997, Autriche
- ZHANG, H., V.D., B.DEN, "The Restructuring of the Chinese Automotive Industry: An Evaluation of the Interaction between Government Policy and European Multinational Corporate Strategy" dans 23th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), 1997, Allemagne
- ZHANG, H., D.F., D.BEULE, D.VAN, "Changing Patterns of FDI and Strategic Positioning of Multinationals in China: The Case of Bekaert" dans 21th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), 1995, Italie
- ZHANG, H., V. D. B.D., "International Management Strategies of Chinese Multinational Firms" dans International Conference about Management Issues For China in the 1990s, University of Cambridge, 1994, Royaume-Uni
- ZHANG, H., V. D. B.D., "Internationalisation and Diversification Strategies of Chinese Multinational Enterprises: Three Cases Studies" dans 20th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), 1994, Pologne
- ZHANG, H., "Internationalisation of Chinese and Overseas Chinese Corporations From Southeast Asia: Analytical Framework, Methodology and Data" dans Doctoral Tutorial of the European International Business Association's 19th Annual Conference, 1994, Portugal
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN, D.BULCKE, "Belgian Equity Joint Ventures in China: Some Considerations and Evidence" dans Conference on Current Development in Joint Venture in the PRC, University of Hong Kong, 1992, Chine
Communication dans une conférence sans actes
- ZHANG, H., Z.YANG, D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "The European landscape of Chinese enterprises: An analysis of corporate and entrepreneurial firms and the role of the ethnic communities", 2013
- ZHANG, H., Z.YANG, D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Antwerp Management School Green means clean: Investing in China’s Municipal Solid Waste Industry", 2011
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Attracting Chinese Investors: An assessment of the Belgian inward foreign direct investment promotion web sites from an investor perspective", 2007
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "China as Global Investor, Can Belgium Benefit?", 2006
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Business Confidence Survey-Doing Business in Belgium", 2005
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "US Subsidiaries in the Belgian Economy at the Beginning of the New Millennium", 2002
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "Amcham US Member Companies in the Belgian Economy: Importance and Characteristics", 2001
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, C.ESTEVES, "China’s Changing Investment Environment and Priorities: Effects and Perspectives for the EU Enterprises", 1999
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN DEN BULCKE, "East-West Joint Ventures in The Process of European Integration and Corporate Globalisation: The Case of Belgium", 1997
- ZHANG, H., D.VAN, D.BULCKE, "Chinese Family Owned Multinationals in the Philippines and the Internationalisation Process" dans Workshop on Chinese Business Houses in South East Asia since 1870, 1993, Royaume-Uni