YU Nadia-Yin
PhD, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Nadia-Yin Yu, Ph.D., a obtenu son doctorat en gestion à l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Hong Kong en 2017. Elle est actuellement Professeur Assistant au sein du Département Hommes et Organisations de NEOMA Business School sur le campus de Rouen.
Avec une formation académique qui comprend des postes invités à l'Université du Maryland à College Park, MD, États-Unis en 2014, et à l'Université du Texas à Dallas à Richardson, Texas, États-Unis en 2018, les recherches de Nadia ont été publiées et présentées dans des revues et magazines tels que le Journal of Vocational Behaviour, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal et Forbes.
Ses recherches portent sur l'exploration de l'impact des contextes sociaux, y compris la dynamique d'équipe et le climat de travail, sur la performance des employés aux niveaux individuel et collectif. De plus, elle étudie l’évolution des croyances, orientations et initiatives individuelles au fil du temps. Ses recherches visent à comprendre et à gérer efficacement ces changements, en tenant compte à la fois des perspectives psychologiques et organisationnelles.
Domaines de spécialisation
- créativité et innovation
- Voix des employés
- éthique des affaires
- Organizational Climate
- Teams
Récentes contributions académiques
FENG, Y. (., N.-Y. YU, K. Y. TAM, M. C. LAI, "Effective Intervention in User Adaptation: A 2x2 Coping Framework Entailing Implementation and Contextual Factors", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Juillet 2024, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 962-989
DOI : 10.17705/1jais.00884 - STARZYK, A., N.-Y. YU, "Silent Treatment for Increasingly Speaking Truth to Power: Whom do managers ostracize less?" dans 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2024
YU, N.-Y., Y. (. FENG, S. LI, "Investigation of System Upgrading Success Across Two Usage Contexts: Role of Belief Confirmation and Disconfirmation", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Novembre 2023, vol. 71, pp. 9876 - 9891
DOI : 10.1109/TEM.2023.3320717
FENG, Y. (., N.-Y. YU, K. Y. TAM, M. C. LAI, "Effective Intervention in User Adaptation: A 2x2 Coping Framework Entailing Implementation and Contextual Factors", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Juillet 2024, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 962-989
DOI : 10.17705/1jais.00884 -
YU, N.-Y., Y. (. FENG, S. LI, "Investigation of System Upgrading Success Across Two Usage Contexts: Role of Belief Confirmation and Disconfirmation", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Novembre 2023, vol. 71, pp. 9876 - 9891
DOI : 10.1109/TEM.2023.3320717 -
TAKEUCHI, R., N. -Y. YU, C. -C. LIN, "Organizational politics and employee performance in the service industry: A multi-stakeholder, multi-level perspective", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Mars 2022, vol. 133
DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103677 -
HARRISON, J., J. A.JANET A. BOEKHORST, N.-Y.YU, "HPWS and climate for inclusion: a moral legitimacy lens", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal, Juillet 2018, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 491-505
DOI : 10.1108/EDI-12-2016-0112
Academic conferences
- STARZYK, A., N.-Y. YU, "Silent Treatment for Increasingly Speaking Truth to Power: Whom do managers ostracize less?" dans 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2024
- YU, N.-Y., D. KIM, C. WING-HUNG LO, "A Tale of Two Theories: Effects of Ethical Leadership on Employee Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior and Boundary Condition of Moral Ideology" dans 2023 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association (SMA), 2023, St. Pete Beach, FL
- YU, N.-Y., Y. LEE, "Stability-instability paradox: Curvilinear relationship between representation of women and collective turnover with its contingencies in South Korea" dans Southern Management Association, 2023, France
- YU, N.-Y., Y. (. FENG, K. Y. TAM, M. C. LAI, "Effective Intervention in Technology Adaptation: A 2×2 Coping Framework Entailing Contextual and Developmental Variance" dans Conference: International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2023, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Chine
- YU, N.-Y., R. TAKEUCHI, R. ZHANG, "Does Power Difference Always Escalate to Power Struggle? Two Studies with Performance Implications" dans Academy of Management Conference, 2022
- YU, N.-Y., "Unethical on Whose Account? A Dual Accountability Framework of Ethical Decision-Making in Organization" dans International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2021, Online, Chine
- YU, N.-Y., A.STARZYK, "The negative implications of intensified employee voice: Whom do managers ostracize less?" dans Symposium presented at the virtual 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2020
- YU, N.-Y., "Compete or conform: Relationship between power and organisational politics revisited for work groups" dans Academy of Management, 2019
- YU, N.-Y., "What It Takes to Have Innovative Teams? Combination of Knowledge Integration and Team Climate" dans 2018 International Research Meeting in Business and Management, 2018
YU, N.-Y., "Navigating the political landscape of organizations: An emergent model of group political climate" dans Academy of Management Conference, 2016
DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.12585abstract
Communication dans une conférence sans actes
- YU, N.-Y., "Silent treatment for cutting loose voicers: Whom do managers ostracize less?" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2021, Paris/Online, France
- YU, N.-Y., "An integrative view of team innovative performance: Knowledge integration, support for innovation or both?" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2020, Paris/Online, France
- YU, N.-Y., "Whom do managers ostracize less for intensified employee voice?" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2020, Paris/Online, France
- YU, N.-Y., "How confirmation and disconfirmation in system belief affect user performance during switch process: A two-study design" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2019, Paris, France
- YU, N.-Y., "A Dynamic Avoidance Orientation Approach to Sojourner Creativity: A Four-Wave Investigation" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2019, Paris, France
- YU, N.-Y., "An Integrative View of Team Innovative Performance: Moderated Mediation Model Testing with Two Field Studies" 2019 Sino-Euro Forum for Management and Innovation - Nankai University. 2019, Tianjin, Chine
- YU, N.-Y., "Unethical for the sake of what? Identity, disengagement and referent in the ethical decision making process" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2018, Paris, France
- YU, N.-Y., "Organizational politics and employee performance in the service industry: A cross-level theorizing" People & Organization Department Research Seminar Neoma Business School. 2017, Paris, France