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Ph.D. en Gestion du comportement organisationnel et des Ressources Humaines

Dr. Agata Mirowska est Professeur Assistant en Management de Ressources Humaines et Comportement Organisationnel. Ses recherches portent sur le rôle de la technologie sur le lieu de travail, et en particulier sur les réactions des individus face à l’intelligence artificielle qui prend en charge des tâches et des rôles traditionnellement occupés par les humains. L'équipe de recherche multi-institutionnelle d'Agata étudie actuellement les coûts sanitaires, sociaux et environnementaux de la surconsommation numérique. Son travail couvre un large éventail de publications, des interactions homme-machine à l'éthique des affaires. Elle contribue également à la communauté de la recherche en tant que relectrice, pour des revues telles que Human Resource Management Journal et Journal of Business Ethics. 


Domaines de spécialisation

  • Technologie dans la gestion des Ressources Humaines
  • Réactions à l'IA dans les rôles humains
  • Santé, bien-être et technostress
  • Adaptation aux modalités de travail à distance

Récentes contributions académiques

  • MIROWSKA, A., T. BAKICI, "Working in a bubble: Techno-Isolation as an emerging techno-stressor in teleworkers", Information Technology and People, Avril 2024, vol. 37, no. 3
    DOI : 10.1108/ITP-09-2022-0657
  • MIROWSKA, A., J. ARSENYAN, "Sweet escape: The role of empathy in social media engagement with human versus virtual influencers", International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Juin 2023, vol. 174
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103008
  • ARSENYAN, J., A. MIROWSKA, A. PIEPENBRINK, "Close encounters with the virtual kind: Defining a human-virtual agent coexistence framework", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Août 2023, vol. 193, no. 122644
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122644


  • MIROWSKA, A., T. BAKICI, "Working in a bubble: Techno-Isolation as an emerging techno-stressor in teleworkers", Information Technology and People, Avril 2024, vol. 37, no. 3
    DOI : 10.1108/ITP-09-2022-0657
  • MIROWSKA, A., J. ARSENYAN, "Sweet escape: The role of empathy in social media engagement with human versus virtual influencers", International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Juin 2023, vol. 174
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103008
  • ARSENYAN, J., A. MIROWSKA, A. PIEPENBRINK, "Close encounters with the virtual kind: Defining a human-virtual agent coexistence framework", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Août 2023, vol. 193, no. 122644
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122644
  • MIROWSKA, A., L. MESNET, "Preferring the devil you know: Potential applicant reactions to artificial intelligence evaluation of interviews", Human Resource Management Journal, Avril 2022, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 364-383
    DOI : 10.1111/1748-8583.12393
  • MIROWSKA, A., R. B. CHIU , R. D. HACKETT, "The Allure of Tyrannical Leaders: Moral Foundations, Belief in a Dangerous World, and Follower Gender", Journal of Business Ethics, Novembre 2022, vol. 181, no. 2, pp. 355–374
    DOI : 10.1007/s10551-021-04963-5
  • ARSENYAN, J., A. MIROWSKA, "Almost human? A comparative case study on the social media presence of virtual influencers", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Novembre 2021, vol. 155, pp. 102694
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102694
  • MIROWSKA, A., "AI Evaluation in Selection: Effects on Application and Pursuit Intentions", Journal of Personnel Psychology, Août 2020, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 142-149
  • VANWALLEGHEM, D., A.MIROWSKA, "The investor that could and would: The effect of proactive personality on sustainable investment choice", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Mars 2020, vol. 26, no. 100313, pp. 100313
  • MIROWSKA, A., "How to Get Employees to Work With You, Not Just For You: An Action Model and Propositions", European Journal of International Management, Juillet 2008, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 269-286

Academic conferences

  • MIROWSKA, A., J. ARSENYAN, ""It feels wrong”: Reactions to Artificial Intelligence usage at the workplace through the lens of Moral Foundations Theory" dans European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, 2023, Dublin, Irlande
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Care & feeding of your management student: A care guide for the class of 20??" dans EURAM 2020 Online ConferenceThe Business of Now: the Future Starts Here, Trinity Business School , 2020, Dublin, Irlande
  • MIROWSKA, A., "AI killed the Instagram star: A comparative analysis of user reaction to artificially created vs human social media influencers" dans EURAM 2020 Online Conference The Business of Now: the Future Starts Here, Trinity Business School , 2020, Dublin, Irlande
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Potential applicant reactions to technology in the selection process: The moderating role of personality" dans EURAM 2019 Conference: Exploring the Future of Management, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  • MIROWSKA, A., "A Nanny, a gypsy, and a cleaning lady walk into a boardroom: Professional vs. social status incongruence and SIE adjustment" dans EURAM 2019 Conference: Exploring the Future of Management, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Meaning and madness of leadership: Threat sensitivity, moral foundations and the Trump phenomenon" dans 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management, 2016, Anaheim, California, États-Unis
  • MIROWSKA, A., F.FONTI, "Crossing Audiences: The Influence of Consumer Reviews on Organizational Prestige and Attraction", Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2015, no. 1, pp. 16267, 2015, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia, Canada
    DOI : 10.5465/ambpp.2015.16267abstract
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Moral foundations predict implicit leadership prototypes" dans Annual EGOS Colloquium, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, 2015, Athens, Grèce
  • SKOWRONSKI, M., A.MIROWSKA, "What doesn't bore you makes you stronger: An exploration of the effects of boredom proneness on character strengths", Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, 2013, Quebec City, Canada
  • SKOWRONSKI, M., A.MIROWSKA, "A manager's guide to workplace procrastination" dans International Business Conference, The Society for Advancement of Management , 2013, Arlington, Virginia, États-Unis
  • MIROWSKA, A., M. TABATABAEI, "Living the good life: The relationships between virtues and subjective well-being", Southern Management Academy, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, États-Unis
  • MIROWSKA, A., "The effect of virtues and emotion regulation on the experience of positive emotions" dans Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences, Academy of Management, 2012, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
  • MIROWSKA, A., M.SKOWRONSKI, "Organizational paranoia: Why it seems they’re laughing at you, not with you", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2008, Anaheim, California, États-Unis
  • MIROWSKA, A., "What makes good people do bad things?", Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • MIROWSKA, A., "How to get employees to work with you, not just for you: An action model and propositions", The International Human Resource Management Conference, 2007, Tallinn, Estonie
  • MIROWSKA, A., "How does the stage of a contract affect performance: Evidence from professional basketball" dans The Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Carleton University, 2007, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Etude de cas déposée

  • MCNAMARA, T., A.MIROWSKA - "Chapter 10 – Opening Case: Are world currency markets being manipulated? Something fishy with foreign exchange" - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MCNAMARA, T., A.MIROWSKA - "Chapter 9 – Opening Case: EU takes aim at Google over anti-trust accusations." - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MOORE-MANGIN, A., A.MIROWSKA - "Chapter 9 – Country Focus The looming debt crisis in…. Denmark." - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MIROWSKA, A., T.MCNAMARA - "Chapter 9 – Management Focus Wal-Mart loses $680 million due to failure to hedge against the dollar" - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MIROWSKA, A., T.MCNAMARA - "Chapter 10 – Country Focus Abenomics and Japan. Can rime Minister Abe's policies prevent a third 'lost' decade" - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MOORE-MANGIN, A., A.MIROWSKA - "Chapter 9 – Country Focus 'Why the European Union is creating a European Banking Union'" - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France
  • MOORE-MANGIN, A., A.MIROWSKA - "Chapter 12 – Closing Focus 'The trouble with China’s IPO’s'" - 2014, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw-Hill Publishers, Rennes, France

Revues professionnelles

  • MIROWSKA, A., "Helping a new international faculty recruit feel at home", The European, Mars 2022
  • MIROWSKA, A., R. B. CHIU , R. D. HACKETT, "From Trump to Putin: Why are people attracted to tyrants?", The Conversation, Juillet 2022
  • CHIU , R. B., A. MIROWSKA, R. D. HACKETT, "The bully pulpit: Explaining Donald Trump", iPolitics, Septembre 2016
  • SKOWRONSKI, M., A.MIROWSKA, "A Manager's Guide to Workplace Procrastination", SAM Advancement of Management Journal, Eté 2013, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 4-9
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Angels in the workplace: How virtues enhance productivity", Financial Post, Août 2010
  • MIROWSKA, A., "Need employee retention? Focus on the positive", HRPA Website “Subject Matter Experts” Guest Column , Septembre 2010