JING Emma Lei
PhD / Doctorat international, Autre, Autre
Emma Lei Jing est Professeur Assistant au Département Hommes & Organisations (P&O) de NEOMA Business School. Emma a obtenu son doctorat dans le domaine du comportement organisationnel à l’Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, au Canada. Ses recherches portent sur les phénomènes à l’intersection de l’individu, de l’organisation et de la société, tels que la relation employé-organisation, le leadership, l’activisme social, etc. Emma s’appuie sur des perspectives individuelles et sociétales pour examiner ces sujets, notamment la théorie de l’attachement et les théories psychologiques et sociologiques de l’émotion. Emma a jusqu’à présent publié des articles dans le Journal of Personnel Psychology et le Journal of Managerial Psychology. Avant de poursuivre sa carrière dans le monde universitaire, Emma a travaillé plusieurs années dans l’industrie.
Domaines de spécialisation
- Théorie d'attachement
- Emotion
- Leadership
- Relation employé - organisation
- Théorie institutionnelle
Récentes contributions académiques
JING, E. L., N. NANXI YAN, "Role of work ethic in the work–life satisfaction relationship: a longitudinal moderation model", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Janvier 2024, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 52-66
DOI : 10.1108/JMP-11-2022-0603 -
JING, E. L., E. GOODRICK, T. REAY, J.-L. HUQ, "Issue Fields and Echo Chambers: Increasing Field Contestation Fueled by Moral Emotions", Organization Studies, Août 2024
DOI : 10.1177/01708406241280004 -
JING, E. L., M. INNESS, I. R. GELLATLY, "The effect of alcohol consumption on workplace aggression: What's love (and job insecurity) got to do with it?", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Janvier 2023, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 60-72
DOI : 10.1108/JMP-09-2021-0513
JING, E. L., N. NANXI YAN, "Role of work ethic in the work–life satisfaction relationship: a longitudinal moderation model", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Janvier 2024, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 52-66
DOI : 10.1108/JMP-11-2022-0603 -
JING, E. L., E. GOODRICK, T. REAY, J.-L. HUQ, "Issue Fields and Echo Chambers: Increasing Field Contestation Fueled by Moral Emotions", Organization Studies, Août 2024
DOI : 10.1177/01708406241280004 -
JING, E. L., M. INNESS, I. R. GELLATLY, "The effect of alcohol consumption on workplace aggression: What's love (and job insecurity) got to do with it?", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Janvier 2023, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 60-72
DOI : 10.1108/JMP-09-2021-0513 -
JING, E. L., I. R. GELLATLY, J. R. FEENEY, M. INNESS, "Social Undermining and Three Forms of Organizational Commitment", Journal of Personnel Psychology, Août 2023, vol. 22, no. 1
DOI : 10.1027/1866-5888/a000307 -
JING, E. L., N. C. LUPTON, M. A. ANSARI, "A Cultural Value Congruence Approach to Organizational Embeddedness", Journal of Personnel Psychology, Octobre 2021, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 164-175
DOI : 10.1027/1866-5888/a000280
Academic conferences
- JING, E. L., M. MIKULINCER, "Recent Advancements in the Application of Attachment Theory to Work (Presenter Symposium)" dans Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022, Seattle, Washington, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., T. REAY, E. GOODRICK, "Managing Institutional Contradictions for the Public Good" dans Journal of Management Studies Conference, 2022, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni
- REAY, T., E. L. JING, E. GOODRICK, "A Tale of Two Crises: Re-Constructing the Crisis of Addiction Within the Crisis of a Global Pandemic" dans 16th Organization Studies Summer Workshop, 2022, Chania, Grèce
- JING, E. L., I. R. GELLATLY, S. G. MOORE, "The Effect of Leader Mistreatment on Performance: Role of Attachment State and Affective Arousal" dans SIOP Annual Conference, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., A. LUCHAK, "Managerial Motivation to Promote Prosocial and Protective Voice: An Integration and Path Forward." dans 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2021, Online, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., J.-L. HUQ, T. REAY, "Battling Over the Harm Reduction Logic in Addiction Services: The Role of Emotions" dans 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting., 2021, Online, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., M. MIKULINCER, "Attachment Profile as Predictor of Workplace Relationship Perception" dans 80th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2020, Vancouver, Online, Canada
- JING, E. L., N. LUPTON, M. A. ANSARI, "Cultural Value Congruence and Organizational Embeddedness - . Poster presented" dans SIOP Conference, 2020, Online
- JING, E. L., I. R. GELLATLY, M. INNESS, "Can Mistreated Employees Feel Commitment Towards Their Organization?" dans 79th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., M. INNESS, "Workplace Drinking and Aggression: The Role of Job-Focused Relationship Perceptions." dans 79th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., N. LUPTON, M. A. ANSARI, "Employees’ Organizational Embeddedness: the Role of Culture." dans 78th Academy of Management Annual Meeting,, 2018, Chicago, États-Unis
- JING, E. L., N. LUPTON, "Antecedents of Employees’ Organizational Embeddedness: The Role of The Culture" dans 44th Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), 2016, Edmonton, Canada