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Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

Serge da Motta Veiga est Professeur en Management et Directeur de la Recherche à NEOMA Business School. Avant de rejoindre NEOMA, il était professeur à l’EDHEC Business School, American University et Lehigh University. Il a un PhD en Ressources Humaines et Comportement Organisationnel de l’Université du Missouri, et une licence en Économie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur la recherche d’emploi, le recrutement, et la gestion de carrière et des talents. Il a de l'expérience dans l'enseignement de cours à différents niveaux (Bachelor, Master, Executive) en comportement organisationnel, gestion de carrière et des talents, et gestion des ressources humaines. Il a publié ses recherches dans des revues scientifiques réputées telles que Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Vocational Behavior, et Journal of Organizational Behavior. Il est aussi Éditeur Associé pour le Journal of Management Studies, and co-Éditeur-en-Chef pour Applied Psychology: une revue internationale.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • recherche d'emploi
  • recrutement
  • carrières
  • Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail

Récentes contributions académiques

  • AKKERMANS, J., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, A. HIRSCHI, J. MARCINIAK, "Career transitions across the lifespan: A review and research agenda", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Février 2024, vol. 148, no. 103957, pp. 1-20
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103957
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. DEBUS, A. SCHMITZ-WILHELMY, M. AMBÜHL, K. HASLER, M. KLEINMANN, "Contextual and personal resources in unemployed job search: An intra-individual perspective", Applied Psychology: An International Review, Février 2024, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 1-24
    DOI : 10.1111/apps.12540
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., R. FANG, S. SUN, "The Role of Job Search Experience in the Emergence of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes" dans Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, 2024


  • AKKERMANS, J., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, A. HIRSCHI, J. MARCINIAK, "Career transitions across the lifespan: A review and research agenda", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Février 2024, vol. 148, no. 103957, pp. 1-20
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103957
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. DEBUS, A. SCHMITZ-WILHELMY, M. AMBÜHL, K. HASLER, M. KLEINMANN, "Contextual and personal resources in unemployed job search: An intra-individual perspective", Applied Psychology: An International Review, Février 2024, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 1-24
    DOI : 10.1111/apps.12540
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, B. B. CLARK, "Seeming Ethical Makes You Attractive: Unraveling How Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring Impacts Organizational Innovativeness and Attractiveness", Journal of Business Ethics, Août 2023, vol. 186, no. 1, pp. 199-216
    DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05380-6
  • FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, M., B. B. CLARK, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring and Organizational Trust: The Role of Performance Expectancy and Social Influence", Journal of Business Ethics, Août 2023, vol. 186, no. 1, pp. 179-197
    DOI : 10.1007/s10551-022-05166-2
  • MILNER, J., T. MILNER, G. MCCARTHY, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Leaders as Coaches: Towards a Code of Ethics", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Septembre 2023, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 448-472
    DOI : 10.1177/00218863211069408
  • GABRIEL, A. S., M. M. BUTTS, N. CHAWLA, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, D. B. TURBAN, J. D. GREEN, "Feeling Positive, Negative, or Both? Examining the Self-Regulatory Benefits of Emotional Ambivalence", Organization Science, Novembre-Decembre 2022, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 2477-2495
    DOI : 10.1287/orsc.2021.1553
  • MACGOWAN, R. L., A. S. GABRIEL, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, N. CHAWLA, "Does psychological detachment benefit job seekers? A two study weekly investigation.", Journal of Applied Psychology, Décembre 2022, vol. 107, no. 12, pp. 2319-2333
    DOI : 10.1037/apl0000967
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Considering artificial intelligence in hiring for cybervetting purposes", Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, Septembre 2022, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 354-356
    DOI : 10.1017/iop.2022.54
  • BARNEY, C. E., B. B. CLARK, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Research productivity of management faculty: job demands-resources approach", Career Development International, Avril 2022, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 161-184
    DOI : 10.1108/CDI-02-2021-0051
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., S. SUN, D. B. TURBAN, M. FOO, "How does affect relate to job search effort and success? It depends on pleasantness, activation, and core", Human Resource Management (USA), Novembre 2021, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 921-933
    DOI : 10.1002/hrm.22046
  • AKKERMANS, J., D. G. COLLINGS, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, C. POST, S. SEIBERT, "Toward a broader understanding of career shocks: Exploring interdisciplinary connections with research on job search, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and diversity", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Avril 2021, vol. 126, pp. 103563
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103563
  • STOCKMAN, S., G. VAN HOYE, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Negative word-of-mouth and applicant attraction: The role of employer brand equity", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Avril 2020, vol. 118, pp. 103368
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2019.103368
  • BERNS, J. P., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, T. C. DUNNE, "Dynamics of Lending-Based Prosocial Crowdfunding: Using a Social Responsibility Lens", Journal of Business Ethics, Janvier 2020, vol. 161, no. 1, pp. 169-185
    DOI : 10.1007/s10551-018-3932-0
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, T. R. MOAKE, "Influence of Job-Dedicated Social Media on Employer Reputation", Corporate Reputation Review, Novembre 2020, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 241-253
    DOI : 10.1057/s41299-019-00083-z
  • CHAWLA, N., A. S. GABRIEL, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, J. E. SLAUGHTER, "Does feedback matter for job search self‐regulation? It depends on feedback quality", Personnel Psychology, Décembre 2019, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 513-541
    DOI : 10.1111/peps.12320
  • HAGGARD, D. L., J. C. CARR, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "The Moderating Effects of Go-Rumination on the Relationships between Goal Orientations and Anxiety, Satisfaction and Deviance", Journal of Managerial Issues, Automne 2018, vol. 30, pp. 378-398
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "Insight into job search self-regulation: Effects of employment self-efficacy and perceived progress on job search intensity", Journal of Vocational Behavior, Octobre 2018, vol. 108, pp. 57-66
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2018.06.010
  • KLOTZ, A. C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Recruiting under the influence: New labor market entrants' reactions to workplace drinking norms", Human Resource Management (USA), Septembre-Octobre 2018, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1303-1316
    DOI : 10.1002/hrm.21906
  • HAGGARD, D. L., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, M. W. LAPREZE, "Should we talk? Co-rumination and conversation avoidance in job search", Career Development International, Novembre 2017, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 742-753
    DOI : 10.1108/CDI-02-2017-0040
  • ROBERT, C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Conversational humor and job satisfaction at work: exploring the role of humor production, appreciation, and positive affect", HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research , Août 2017, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 417–438
    DOI : 10.1515/humor-2017-0034
  • DJURDJEVIC, E., A. C. STOVERINK, A. C. KLOTZ, J. KOOPMAN, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, K. C. YAM, J. T.-J. CHIANG, "Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale.", Journal of Applied Psychology, Juillet 2017, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147
    DOI : 10.1037/apl0000202
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. S. GABRIEL, "The role of self-determined motivation in job search: A dynamic approach.", Journal of Applied Psychology, Février 2016, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 350-361
    DOI : 10.1037/apl0000070
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "The Role and Types of Job Search Strategies as Career Growth Tool for Mid-Career Professionals", Journal of Career Development, Août 2015, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 339-350
    DOI : 10.1177/0894845314566274
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "Are affect and perceived stress detrimental or beneficial to job seekers? The role of learning goal orientation in job search self-regulation", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Novembre 2014, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 193-203
    DOI : 10.1016/j.obhdp.2014.09.007
  • KLOTZ, A. C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, M. R. BUCKLEY, M. B. GAVIN, "The role of trustworthiness in recruitment and selection: A review and guide for future research", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Juillet 2013, vol. 34, no. S1, pp. S104-S119
    DOI : 10.1002/job.1891
  • TURBAN, D. B., F. K. LEE, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, D. L. HAGGARD, S. Y. WU, "Be Happy, don't Wait: The Role of Trait Affect in Job Search", Personnel Psychology, Juin 2013, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 483-514
    DOI : 10.1111/peps.12027

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, A. S. GABRIEL, N. CHAWLA, "From the unfolding process to self-regulation in job search: Integrating between- and within-person approaches" dans Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management., M. R. Buckley, J. R. B. Halbesleben, and A. R. Wheeler Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 243-274, 2018
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "Humor in job search and recruitment." dans The Psychology of Humor at Work., C. Robert Ed., Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 109-120, 2017
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "Who Is Searching for Whom? Integrating Recruitment and Job Search Research" dans The Oxford Handbook of Job Loss and Job Search., U.-C. Klehe and E. A. J Van Hooft Ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 311-328, 2014
    DOI : 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199764921.013.024

Academic conferences

  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., R. FANG, S. SUN, "The Role of Job Search Experience in the Emergence of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes" dans Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, 2024
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "AI vs. Humans in Hiring: Do Ethical Perceptions of AI Vary between Recruiters and Applicants?" dans Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2024
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., I. DIRKX, B. SCHREURS, "Shame and Hostility as Mediators Between Financial Insecurity and Work Outcomes" dans Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2024
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. FROIDEVAUX, Y. SHAO, I. URBANAVICIUTE, M. WANG, F. KRINGS, "Changes in Perceived Age Discrimination Over Time: Patterns, Predictors, and Outcomes" dans Careers Division Community Conference, 2024
  • FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, M., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Self-employment as an early-career option: A longitudinal study of individual and regional conditions" dans Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2023, Boston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Is self-employment a viable earlycareer option in a recession? A comparative study of individual and regional conditions" dans Regional Studies Association Conference, 2022, London, Royaume-Uni
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, B. B. CLARK, "Artificial Intelligence in hiring and applicant attraction: Influence of ethical perceptions on innovativeness and attractiveness" dans AOM Conference, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., S. SUN, R. FANG, "The role of job search experience in the emergence of anti-immigrant attitudes" dans Understanding job search processes for a better job search experience. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Ethical perceptions of AI in hiring and organizational trust" dans SIOP Conference, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, B. B. CLARK, "AI in hiring and applicant attraction." dans SIOP Conference, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Artificial Intelligence in the hiring process and organizational trust: The role of ethical perceptions" dans NARSC conference, 2021, Denver, États-Unis
  • FROIDEVAUX, A., I. URBANAVICIUTE, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, Y. SHAO, M. WANG, K. KRINGS, "Changes in perceived age discrimination over time: Patterns, covariates, and consequences." dans Biennial Meeting of the Age in the Workplace Research Network, 2021, Groningen, Pays-Bas
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. WILHELMY, K. HASLER, M. AMBÜHL, M. KLEINMANN, "Social and personal resources during job search: How can they help?" dans AOM Virtual Conference, 2021, Online
  • FROIDEVAUX, A., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, I. URBANAVICIUTE, J. ROSSIER, F. KRINGS, "Changes in perceived age discrimination over time: Patterns, coviariates, and consequences" dans AOM Virtual Conference, 2021, Online
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Predictors of early-career selfemployment among millennials in the digital economy: The role of The Great Recession." dans Broadening our sight on youth employment. Symposium conducted at the AOM Virtual Conference, 2020, Online
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Early-career self-employment among millennials in the Great Recession: Did parenting during adolescence affect their career decisions?" dans AOM Careers Division Community Conference, 2020, Vienna, Autriche
  • MACGOWAN, R. L., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, A. S. GABRIEL, "Does recovery benefit job seekers? A weekly investigation" dans Examining how individual, social, and contextual factors affect job search self-regulation. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. WILHELMY, K. HASLER, M. AMBÜHL, M. KLEINMANN, "The effects of social resources on job search behaviors and outcomes" dans Examining how individual, social, and contextual factors affect job search self-regulation. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
  • CASTILLA, E. J., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, F. SGUERA, "Job application sources and job offers: Does gender matter?" dans AOM Conference, 2019, Boston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. WILHELMY, K. HASLER, M. AMBÜHL, M. KLEINMANN, "Dynamics of social capital on persistence and success in job search" dans EAWOP Conference, 2019, Turin, Italie
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., J. AKKERMANS, A. HIRSCHI, "Looking on the outside: A review of external career transitions and implications for future research" dans EAWOP Conference, 2019, Turin, Italie
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Predictors of early-career selfemployment among millennials in the digital economy: The role of The Great Recession" dans HICSS Conference, 2019, Maui, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., F. SGUERA, "Who, how, and when: Interaction of gender, job application sources, and length of hiring process on job offer and job choice" dans AOM Conference, 2018, Chicago, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., R. A. RODRIGUES, D. GUEST, C. L. BUTLER, "Do ambitious recent graduates keep looking for new jobs? It depends on emotional workload and perceived organizational support" dans The 21st century school-to-work transition: Improving the working lives of young people. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2018, Chicago, États-Unis
  • BARNEY, C. E., B. B. CLARK, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Research productivity: A comparison of management faculty at research, balanced, and teaching universities" dans AOM Conference, 2018, Chicago, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, "Individual and family predictors of selfemployment as a sustainable career for millennials" dans RSA Conference, 2018, Lugano, États-Unis
  • GOLDEN, S. J., A. A. ALI, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Self-determined motivation, affect, and outcomes during job search" dans SIOP Conference, 2018, Chicago, États-Unis
  • CHAWLA, N., A. S. GABRIEL, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "When no news is not good news: The importance of feedback during the job search" dans What contributes to job search self-regulation? Understanding individual and contextual factors. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2017, Atlanta, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. S. GABRIEL, "The role of co-rumination and social support in job search: A latent growth modeling approach." dans EAWOP Conference, 2017, Dublin, Irlande
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. A. ALI, A. S. GABRIEL, B. J. LYONS, "Self-determination theory applied to the unfolding process of job search" dans EAWOP Conference, 2017, Dublin, Irlande
  • BERNS, J. P., M. FIGUEROA-ARMIJOS, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, T. C. DUNNE, "Crowdfunding from the heart? Unraveling the drivers and outcomes of globally crowdfunded entrepreneurship." dans NARSC Conference, 2016, Minneapolis, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, T. R. MOAKE, "Social media as HR strategy for enhancing employer reputation" dans SMS Conference, 2016, Berlin, Allemagne
  • WEI XUAN NG, J., Z. SONG, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "The facilitative role of affectivity in job search for individuals with strong goal orientations." dans AOM Conference, 2016, Anaheim, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, T. R. MOAKE, "The impact of social media activity on employer reputation" dans Employer branding and social recruiting. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2016, Anaheim, États-Unis
  • SCHNATTERLY, K., J. P. BERNS, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, A. J. WARD , "Bad board certifications: Where do current directors go from there?" dans SMS Conference, 2015, Denver, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "The role of activated/deactivated affect and core self-evaluations in job search self-regulation." dans Challenging the status quo: Advances in behavior change research. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
  • GABRIEL, A. S., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, J. GREEN, "Positive, negative, or both? Exploring affect profiles in job search" dans I feel good, but why? Examining the emergence of work-related affective experiences. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
  • KLOTZ, A. C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Recruiting under the influence: Job applicant reactions to workplace drinking norms" dans AOM Conference, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. S. GABRIEL, "The dynamics of autonomous and controlled motivation during job search" dans SIOP Conference, 2015, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • ROBERT, C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Conversational humor production and appreciation and job satisfaction." dans SIOP Conference, 2015, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., A. S. GABRIEL, "The role of self-determined motivation in job search: A dynamic approach." dans AOM Conference, 2014, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • DUNNE, T. C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "The role of nonverbal impression management tactics in pre-organizational entry" dans New developments in impression management research during pre-organizational entry. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2014, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "The role of activated and deactivated affect in job search" dans SIOP Conference, 2014, Honolulu, États-Unis
  • DJURDJEVIC, E., A. C. STOVERINK, A. C. KLOTZ, S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Perceived workplace status: Scale development and validation." dans SIOP Conference, 2014, Honolulu, États-Unis
  • DUNNE, T. C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "Is the interview over before it begins? A selfregulatory model of nonverbal behavior in interviews." dans The Nonverbal Behavior Preconference at the SPSP Conference, 2014, Austin, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "Excited or relieved to make progress? The role of activated and deactivated affect in job search." dans AOM Conference, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
  • HAGGARD, D. L., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, M. W. LAPREZE, "Could everybody use somebody? The role of social support, co-rumination, and self-efficacy in job search." dans New directions in understanding job search: A self-regulatory perspective. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2013, Orlando, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "Self-efficacy, progress, and intensity: Examining competing predictions in job search." dans SIOP Conference, 2013, Houston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., B. B. CLARK, "Can Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter make or break the deal? The role of social media sites in employer reputation" dans People and Organizations Conference at the Wharton School, 2012, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "Job search as a tool for success: A self-regulatory model of career success." dans AOM Conference, 2012, Boston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "Who is searching for whom? Integrating applicant attraction and job search." dans New directions in job search: The importance of self-efficacy, goals, and applicant attraction. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference, 2012, Boston, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., D. B. TURBAN, "What leads job seekers to intensify their search for employment? Influence of affect on job search intensity and outcomes" dans A self-regulatory approach to job search intensity and effort. Symposium conducted at the AOM Conference (Nominated for Best Symposium Award from the Careers Division), 2011, San Antonio, États-Unis
  • ROBERT, C., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, "The effects of daily humor on affect, work engagement, and job satisfaction." dans AOM Conference, 2011, San Antonio, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "It’s time to look for a job: Time-related individual differences as job search predictors" dans EAWOP Conference, 2011, Maastricht, Pays-Bas
  • SCHNATTERLY, K., S. DA MOTTA VEIGA, A. J. WARD , "Bad board certifications: Where do current directors go from there?" dans Corporate Governance Conference at the University of Missouri, 2011, Columbia, États-Unis
  • DA MOTTA VEIGA, S., "An integrative model of motivation, passion, and calling in organizational research." dans AOM Conference, 2010, Montreal, Canada