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PhD, Sciences de gestion, Finance

Sara est titulaire d’un doctorat ès sciences de gestion de l’Université Paris-Dauphine. Elle est également certifiée en data science de l’Université de Harvard, et en deep learning through transformative pedagogy de l’Université du Queensland. La recherche de Sara s’intéresse principalement à l’investissement institutionnel, au capital humain, et aux sujets ESG en finance. Sara communique régulièrement dans des conférences internationales, sa recherche a remporté plusieurs subventions – telles l’Institut Europlace de Finance et CEIBS-Cathey Research Fund – et a notamment été publiée dans des revues de premier rang tel Management Science. Avant de rejoindre NEOMA, Sara a occupé plusieurs postes de responsabilité au sein de fonds et de cabinets de conseil, où elle a mené des missions de gestion de fonds, de fusions-acquisitions, d’investissement immobilier et de structuration de financements corporate.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • L’investissement institutionnel
  • L’intelligence artificielle et le capital humain
  • La tokenisation des actifs
  • Finance et ESG

Récentes contributions académiques

  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity Performance Around the World", Financial Analysts Journal, Février 2024, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 99-121
    DOI : 10.1080/0015198X.2023.2292545
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Geography of Private Equity" dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Ed., Springer US, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" dans Lapland Investment Fund Summit, Levi - Kittilä, Finland, 2023


  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity Performance Around the World", Financial Analysts Journal, Février 2024, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 99-121
    DOI : 10.1080/0015198X.2023.2292545
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., R. MURA, O. KOLOKOLOVA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry under COVID-19", Management Science, Août 2022, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 6250-6267
    DOI : 10.1287/mnsc.2022.4402

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Geography of Private Equity" dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Ed., Springer US, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Des marchés boursiers en perte de cote : analyse et perspectives internationales" dans Management en Action., Ilan Benhaim Ed., Pearson Education, 2022

Academic conferences

  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" dans Lapland Investment Fund Summit, Levi - Kittilä, Finland, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper discussion: "Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capital Investors and Entrepreneurs: a Reappraisal", by Prabesh Luitel, Piet Sercu and Tom Vinaimont" dans 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship, Montréal – Canada, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity performance around the World" dans 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship, Montréal – Canada, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity performance around the world" dans The British Accounting Review Inaugural Annual Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA – United States, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion: "Emotions drive actions: Sentiment and cryptocurrency market reactions to macroeconomic news announcements" by Nhan Huynh" dans The British Accounting Review Inaugural Annual Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA – United States, 2023
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the individual mobility of private equity professionals tell us about performance?" dans 12th Hedge Fund Research Conference, 2020
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" dans 37th Spring French Finance Conference, 2020
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., O.KOLOKOLOVA, R.MURA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry" dans 14th International Risk Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier, 2020
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" dans 11th Annual Hedge Fund and Private Equity Research Conference, 2019, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" dans 4th EntFIN Conference, 2019, Trier, Allemagne
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" dans 3rd Private Markets Research Conference, 2019, Montreux, Suisse
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" dans FMA Annual Meeting, 2018, San Diego – California, États-Unis
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" dans 35th Spring French Finance Association Meeting, 2018, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" dans 10th Annual Hedge Fund and Private Equity Research Conference, 2018, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" dans 3rd International Workshop in Quantitative Finance, Risk & Decision Theory, 2018, Bordeaux, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" dans 2nd Private Markets Research Conference, 2018, Lausanne, Suisse
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" dans FMA Europe Doctoral Student Consortium, 2018, Kristiansand, Norvège

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" dans French Inter Business School Conference, 2023, Toulouse, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Private Equity Performance and the Mobility of the Highly Skilled" dans The 37th Spring French Finance Association Conference, 2021, Nice, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion - Shareholder Governance and Debt Maturity Structure (by Paul Voss)" dans 37th Spring French Finance Association Conference, 2021, Nice, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., O. KOLOKOLOVA, R. MURA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry under Covid-19" dans 2021 Paris December Finance Meeting, 2021, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion - "One Global Village? Competition in the International Active Fund Management Industry" by Feldman David, Konark Saxena and Xu Jingrui" dans 2021 Paris December Finance Meeting, 2021, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion -(R)evolution in Entrepreneurial Finance? The Relationship between Cryptocurrency and Venture Capital Markets, by Kirill Shakhnov and Luana Zaccaria" dans Paris Fintech Days, 2020, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion -Are Star Law Firms Also Better Law Firms? by Allen Ferrell, Alberto Manconi, Katya Neretina, William Powley and Luc Renneboog" dans 17th Corporate Finance Day, Liège, 2020, Liège, Belgique
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.BARTRAM, "Public Markets and the Evolution of Private Equity" CEIBS Cathay Private Equity Research Fund. 2020, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" Neoma Business School Finance Seminar. 2019, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" 35th Spring French Finance Association PhD Workshop. 2018, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days. 2018, Strasbourg, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Université Paris-Dauphine - Finance seminar. 2017, Paris, France
  • AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Finance seminar. 2017, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France