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GUPTA Gaurav

PhD, Sciences de Gestion, Systèmes d'information

Gaurav est professeur associé en Stratégie et Entrepreneuriat à NEOMA Business School en France.

Il enseigne des modèles commerciaux agiles, des stratégies de rupture et la gestion de la transformation numérique à des étudiants diplômés et exécutifs du MBA. Les recherches de Gaurav éclairent les modèles commerciaux entrepreneuriaux, la transformation numérique et l'intelligence artificielle. Ses recherches ont été publiées dans des revues telles que Information & Management, Technology Forecasting & Social Change, Annals of Operations Research et Australasian Journal of Information Systems, ainsi que diverses conférences prestigieuses comme ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS et HICSS. Ses études de cas d'enseignement ont remporté le prix de la meilleure étude de cas pour la EFMD Case Writing Competition, 2017 et la 23eme CEEMAN-Emerald Case Writing competition, 2017. Gaurav a également exercé un rôle rédactionnel dans des revues comme Information Systems Frontiers et aussi régulièrement comme ad hoc réviseur pour Information & Management, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, ainsi que diverses conférences de premier plan. Ses recherches sont activement discutées dans divers médias comme Forbes, Business Because, Authority Magazine, etc.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Transformation Digitale
  • Modèles Commerciaux Numériques
  • Intelligence Artificielle
  • Systèmes d'Information Stratégiques

Récentes contributions académiques

  • CHAUDHURI, N., G. GUPTA, S. K. SHARMA, "Outpacing choices: Examining dynamic consumer preferences across multi-generational information-intensive digital products", International Journal of Information Management, Août 2024, vol. 77, pp. 102784
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2024.102784
  • CHAUDHURI, N., G. GUPTA, M. BAGHERZADEH, T. DAIM, H. YALCIN, "Misinformation on social platforms: A review and research Agenda", Technology in Society, Septembre 2024, vol. 78, pp. 102654
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102654
  • DEVASTHALI, S., G. GUPTA, "Embracing Change from Shadow IT to Collaborative IT Models" dans Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies., Sujeet K. Sharma, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Bhimaraya Metri, Banita Lal, Amany Elbanna Eds, Springer, pp. 365-378, 2024
    DOI : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-50204-0_31


  • CHAUDHURI, N., G. GUPTA, S. K. SHARMA, "Outpacing choices: Examining dynamic consumer preferences across multi-generational information-intensive digital products", International Journal of Information Management, Août 2024, vol. 77, pp. 102784
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2024.102784
  • CHAUDHURI, N., G. GUPTA, M. BAGHERZADEH, T. DAIM, H. YALCIN, "Misinformation on social platforms: A review and research Agenda", Technology in Society, Septembre 2024, vol. 78, pp. 102654
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102654
  • DUVIVIER, F., G. GUPTA, "Unleashing Digital Agility: A Review of Literature on Agile Responses to Digital Challenges.", Journal of Global Information Management, Octobre 2023, vol. 31, no. 8
    DOI : 10.4018/JGIM.331092
  • GUPTA, G., I. BOSE, "Digital transformation in entrepreneurial firms through information exchange with operating environment", Information and Management, Avril 2022, vol. 59, no. 3
    DOI : 10.1016/j.im.2019.103243
  • LIM , W. M., G. GUPTA, B. BISWAS, R. GUPTA, "Collaborative consumption continuance: a mixed-methods analysis of the service quality-loyalty relationship in ride-sharing services", Electronic Markets, Septembre 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1463–1484
    DOI : 10.1007/s12525-021-00486-z
  • CHAUDHURI, N., G. GUPTA, V. VAMSI, I. BOSE, "On the platform but will they buy? Predicting customers' purchase behavior using deep learning", Decision Support Systems, Octobre 2021, vol. 149, pp. 113622
    DOI : 10.1016/j.dss.2021.113622
  • GUPTA, G., I. BOSE, "Strategic learning for digital market pioneering: Examining the transformation of Wishberry's crowdfunding model", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Septembre 2019, no. 146, pp. 865-876
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.06.020
  • GUPTA, G., K. T. L.TAN, Y. S.EE, C. S. C.PHANG, "Resource-Based View of Information Systems: Sustainable and Transient Competitive Advantage Perspectives", Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Janvier 2018, vol. 22
    DOI : 10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1657
  • ADHIKARI, A., A.MAJUMDAR, G.GUPTA, A.BISI, "An innovative super-efficiency data envelopment analysis, semi-variance, and Shannon-entropy-based methodology for player selection: evidence from cricket", Annals of Operations Research, 2018, vol. 284, pp. 1-32
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-018-3088-4

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • DEVASTHALI, S., G. GUPTA, "Embracing Change from Shadow IT to Collaborative IT Models" dans Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies., Sujeet K. Sharma, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Bhimaraya Metri, Banita Lal, Amany Elbanna Eds, Springer, pp. 365-378, 2024
    DOI : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-50204-0_31
  • GUPTA, G., "Privacy and consumer IoT: a sensemaking perspective. In Engineering Secure Internet of Things Systems" dans Engineering Secure Internet of Things Systems (Security)., Benjamin Aziz, Alvaro Arenas, Bruno Crispo Eds, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 57–74, 2016

Academic conferences

  • LENGLET, M., G. GUPTA, L. GIALDINI, "Making timely decisions: strategic decision-making recipes under radical uncertainty" dans 40th EGOS colloquium, 2024
  • ROY, N., G. GUPTA, I. BISWAS, "Narrative and Representational Ethics and Profit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe" dans Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023
  • GUPTA, G., M. LENGLET, L. GIALDINI, "Causation, Effectuation and Bricolage: Making Sense of Decision-making Recipes Under Uncertainty" dans Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023
  • GUPTA, G., T.OLSEN, M.KOUKI-BLOCK, M.RÖNKKÖ, "A long road down – The process of startup failure" dans 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2018, San Francisco
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "Transforming temporary organizations to permanence: Examining the role of information systems" dans 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2018, Hawaii
  • GUPTA, G., B.BISWAS, A.MUKHOPADHYAY, "”Leadership in Action: How Top Hackers Behave” A Big-Data Approach with Text-Mining and Sentiment Analysis" dans 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2018
  • GUPTA, G., A.MUKHOPADHYAY, B.BISWAS, "Cyber insurance for correlated risks from phishing attacks: A decision-theoretic approach" dans Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), 2018, San Francisco, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., V. VALLURUPALLI, N. CHAUDHURI, I. BOSE, "Will They Buy? Predicting Purchase Behavior from Customer-platform Interaction Analysis" dans 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Business, 2018, San Francisco, États-Unis
  • BOSE, I., G. GUPTA, "Transforming Temporary Organizations to Permanence: Examining the Role of Information Systems" dans Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2018, Hawaii, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "New venture ambidexterity in emerging markets: the case of crowdfunding in India" dans 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), pp. 2777-2787, 2017, Guimarães, Portugal
  • GUPTA, G., S.PAL, I.BISWAS, "When young firms compete with startups in developing economies: the case of Codezin" dans 25th CEEMAN Annual Conference, 2017, Hangzhou
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "A bibliometric analysis of two decades of research on business models" dans 2017 International Conference on Software and e- Business, 2017, Hong Kong, Chine
  • PAL, S., I.BISWAS, G.GUPTA, "When young firms compete with startups in developing economies: the case of Codezin" dans 25th CEEMAN Annual Conference, 2017
  • GUPTA, G., I. BOSE, "A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Research on Business Models" dans International Conference on Software and e-Business, 2017, Hong Kong, Chine
  • BOSE, I., G. GUPTA, "New Venture Ambidexterity in Emerging Markets: The Case of Crowdfunding in India" dans European Conference on Information Systems, 2017, Guimaraes, Portugal
  • BOSE, I., G. GUPTA, "Ambidexterity for Emerging Ventures in Neoteric Markets: The Case of Wishberry in India" dans Conference on Digital Economy, 2017, Hyderabad, Inde

Etude de cas déposée

  • PAL, S., G.GUPTA, I.BISWAS - "Codezin: Braving the Startup Storm" - 2017, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Bingley
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE - "SimSePay at YES BANK: Creating Value Through an Un’smart’ Innovation" - 2017, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center, Calcutta
  • PAL, S., G.GUPTA, I.BISWAS - "Codezin: braving the startup storm" - 2017, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
    DOI : 10.1108/EEMCS-05-2017-0101
  • BOSE, I., G. GUPTA - "SIMsePAY at YES Bank: Creating Value Through an Un‘smart’ Innovation (Winner EFMD Case Award Competition in the Category of Inclusive Models, 2017)" - 2017, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Centre, Calcutta, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., S.LAHIRI, I.BOSE - "Mobilize.net : Mobilizing growth" - 2016, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center, Calcutta
  • BOSE, I., S. LAHIRI, G. GUPTA - "Mobilize.NET: Mobilizing Growth" - 2016, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Case Research Centre, Calcutta, Inde

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • GUPTA, G., T.OLSEN, M.KOUKI-BLOCK, M.RÖNKKÖ, "A long road down – The process of startup failure" dans 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2018, San Francisco, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "Transforming temporary organizations to permanence: Examining the role of information systems" dans 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2018, Hawaii, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., B.BISWAS, A.MUKHOPADHYAY, "”Leadership in Action: How Top Hackers Behave” A Big-Data Approach with Text-Mining and Sentiment Analysis" dans 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2018, Hawaii, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., N.CHAUDHURI, V.VALLURUPALLI, I.BOSE, "“Will they Buy? Predicting purchase behavior from customer-platform interaction analysis”" dans 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Business (WeB), 2018, San Francisco, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., A.MUKHOPADHYAY, B.BISWAS, "“Cyber insurance for correlated risks from phishing attacks: A decision-theoretic approach”" dans Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), 2018, San Francisco, États-Unis
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "Ambidexterity for emerging ventures in neoteric markets: The case of Wishberry in India" dans Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE), 2017, Hyderabad, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "New venture ambidexterity in emerging markets: the case of crowdfunding in India" dans 5th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2017, Guimarães, Portugal
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "A bibliometric analysis of two decades of research on business models" dans International Conference on Software and e-Business, 2017, Hong Kong, Chine
  • GUPTA, G., I.BOSE, "Technology venture alliances: the role of IS compatibility" dans Fifth Pan- IIM conference, 2017, Lucknow, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., "Transforming temporary organisations to permanence: examining the role of Information systems" Zhejiang University. 2017, Hangzhou, Chine
  • GUPTA, G., "Social networks for changes in the industry structure: the case of disaster management" Xavier Institute of Management. 2017, Bhubaneswar, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., "Learning to cite using Reference Management Tools" Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. 2016, Calcutta, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., A.ADHIKARI, A.MAJUMDAR, A.BISI, "An Innovative Efficiency and Consistency based Player Selection method using DEA and Semi variance; An evidence from cricket" dans XIX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2015, Calcutta, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., "Managing duality of formalization and environmental uncertainty: using cloud services for introducing manufacturing flexibility in software ventures" dans XIX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2015, Calcutta, Inde
  • GUPTA, G., "Using Mendeley for scholarly citations" Indian Institute of Management. 2015, Calcutta, Inde