Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Sciences de Gestion
Ana Colovic, PhD, HDR est professeur de stratégie et d’entrepreneuriat à NEOMA Business School. Sa recherche porte sur les business models, les clusters industriels, les réseaux inter-entreprises, l’innovation entrepreneuriale, l’internationalisation et la politique d’innovation. Elle a été chercheur visitant au Royaume-Uni, aux Etats-Unis et au Japon. Elle a été impliquée dans des projets portant sur les politiques de clusters dans plusieurs pays. Elle a mené des recherches au sein du National Institute for Science and Technology Policy (Tokyo, Japon), et de l’Association Nationale Recherche Technologie (Paris, France). Elle est Fellow de la Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Ana a publié dans des revues académiques telles que European Management Review, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Journal of Business Research, Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning et Management and Organization Review.
Domaines de spécialisation
- Business models
- Innovation
- Entrepreneuriat
- Internationalisation
- Politique d'innovation
Récentes contributions académiques
DU, H.-S., A. COLOVIC, "The impact of global city location intensity on MNE performance: Leveraging learning and connectivity", Long Range Planning, Février 2024, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 102409
DOI : 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102409 -
CALOFFI, A., A. COLOVIC, V. RIZZOLI, F. ROSSI, "Innovation intermediaries' types and functions: A computational analysis of the literature", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Avril 2023, vol. 189, pp. 122351
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122351 -
MISGANAW, B., D. ASSEFA, A. COLOVIC, "Is starting and staying unregistered longer beneficial for firms? The moderating role of institutional quality", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Février 2023, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 433-458
DOI : 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2022-0582
DU, H.-S., A. COLOVIC, "The impact of global city location intensity on MNE performance: Leveraging learning and connectivity", Long Range Planning, Février 2024, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 102409
DOI : 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102409 -
CALOFFI, A., A. COLOVIC, V. RIZZOLI, F. ROSSI, "Innovation intermediaries' types and functions: A computational analysis of the literature", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Avril 2023, vol. 189, pp. 122351
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122351 -
MISGANAW, B., D. ASSEFA, A. COLOVIC, "Is starting and staying unregistered longer beneficial for firms? The moderating role of institutional quality", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Février 2023, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 433-458
DOI : 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2022-0582 -
DU, H.-S., A. COLOVIC, C. WILLIAMS, "Guest editorial: FDI and cities: city location attractiveness for FDI, the dynamics and co-evolution of FDI and urban development", Competitiveness Review, Mars 2023, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 505-511
DOI : 10.1108/CR-03-2023-192 -
LIAO, C. T., A. COLOVIC, "The Impact of Open Search, Foreign Ownership, and Market Information on SME Exporters’ Productivity", Management International, Septembre 2023, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 95-110
DOI : 10.59876/a-azb8-4rp0 -
ROSSI, F., A. CALOFFI, A. COLOVIC, M. RUSSO, "New business models for public innovation intermediaries supporting emerging innovation systems: The case of the Internet of Things", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Février 2022, vol. 175, pp. 121357
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121357 -
ASSEFA, D., A. COLOVIC, B. MISGANAW, "Firm size, firm age and business model innovation in response to a crisis: evidence from 12 countries", International Journal of Innovation Management, Septembre 2022, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1-26
DOI : 10.1142/S1363919622500542 -
RUSSO, M., A. CALOFFI, A. COLOVIC, P. PAVONE, S. ROMEO, F. ROSSI, "Mapping regional strengths in a key enabling technology: The distribution of Internet of Things competences across European regions", Papers in Regional Science, Août 2022, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 25
DOI : 10.1111/pirs.12679 -
COLOVIC, A., A. CALOFFI, F. ROSSI, "Crowdsourcing and COVID-19: How public administrations mobilize crowds to find solutions to problems posed by the pandemic", Public Administration Review, Juillet 2022, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 756–763
DOI : 10.1111/puar.13489 -
COLOVIC, A., B. MISGANAW, D. ASSEFA, "Liability of informality and firm participation in global value chains", Journal of World Business, Janvier 2022, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 101279
DOI : 10.1016/j.jwb.2021.101279 -
ESCOBAR, O., O. LAMOTTE, A. COLOVIC, P.-X. MESCHI, "Impact of sourcing from the informal economy on the export likelihood and performance of emerging economy firms", Industrial and Corporate Change, Juin 2022, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 610–627
DOI : 10.1093/icc/dtab068 -
COLOVIC, A., O. LAMOTTE, J. YANG, "Investors’ decisions following acquisition announcements: A configurational analysis of the role of acquirers’ resources, capabilities, and strategic fit with the target firm", European Management Review, Avril 2022, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 75-91
DOI : 10.1111/emre.12481 -
COLOVIC, A., M. SCHRUOFFENEGER, "Entrepreneuring for deprived urban communities: exploring the role of micro-entrepreneurship", European Management Review, Novembre 2022, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 450-461
DOI : 10.1111/emre.12458 -
COLOVIC, A., "Leadership and business model innovation in late internationalizing SMEs", Long Range Planning, Février 2022, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 102083
DOI : 10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102083 -
LAMOTTE, O., L. CHALENÇON, U. MAYRHOFER, A. COLOVIC, "Intangible resources and cross-border acquisition decisions: The impact of reputation and the moderating effect of experiential knowledge", Journal of Business Research, Juillet 2021, vol. 131, pp. 297-310
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.044 -
COLOVIC, A., M. SCHRUOFFENEGER, "Institutional voids and business model innovation: how grassroots social businesses advance deprived communities in emerging economies", Management and Organization Review, Mai 2021, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 314–343
COLOVIC, A., L. CHALENÇON , O. LAMOTTE, U. MAYRHOFER, "La réputation de l’acquéreur et la réaction des marchés financiers à l’annonce de fusions-acquisitions internationales", Management International, Mai 2021, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 131-151
AHWOREGBA, A., A. COLOVIC, "Embedded Opportunities and Conflict of Subsidiary Initiatives", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Février 2020, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 83-99
DOI : 10.1108/JOCM-04-2019-0085 -
COLOVIC, A., C.WILLIAMS, "Group Culture, Gender Diversity and Organizational Innovativeness: Evidence from Serbia", Journal of Business Research, Mars 2020, vol. 110, pp. 282-291
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.12.046 -
COLOVIC, A., S.MEHROTRA , "Lifelong activism and women’s entrepreneurship: How a social movement organization improves conditions for self-employed women in India", European Business Review, Septembre 2020, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 937-958
DOI : 10.1108/EBR-09-2019-0215 -
COLOVIC, A., "Cluster connectivity and inter-cluster alliance portfolio configuration in knowledge-intensive industries", M@n@gement, Décembre 2019, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 619-635
COLOVIC, A., S.HENNERON, M.HUETTINGER, R.KAZLAUSKAITE, "Corporate Social Responsibility and SMEs: Evidence from a transition and a developed economy", European Business Review, Août 2019, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 785-810
COLOVIC, A., O.ESCOBAR, O.LAMOTTE, P.-X.MESCHI , "Multinational Enterprises, Local Firms, and Employee Human Rights Violation in the Workplace: Evidence from Mexico", Multinational Business Review, Septembre 2019, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 247-265
DOI : 10.1108/MBR-06-2017-0037 -
COLOVIC, A., S.HENNERON, "Corporate Social Responsibility and SME internationalization: Insights from the food industry", Management International, Décembre 2018, vol. 22, no. Spécial, pp. 30-41
WILLIAMS, C., A.COLOVIC, J.ZHU, "Integration-responsiveness, local hires and subsidiary performance amidst turbulence: Insights from a survey of Chinese subsidiaries", Journal of World Business, Novembre 2017, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 842-853
DOI : 10.1016/j.jwb.2017.09.006 -
CHALENÇON, L., A.COLOVIC, O.LAMOTTE, U.MAYRHOFER, "Reputation, E-Reputation, and Value-Creation of Mergers and Acquisitions", International Studies of Management and Organization, Janvier 2017, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 4-22
DOI : 10.1080/00208825.2017.1241086 -
DABIC, M., A.COLOVIC, O.LAMOTTE, M.PAINTER-MORLAND, S.BROZOVIC, "Industry-specific CSR: Analysis of 20 years of research", European Business Review, Mai 2016, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 250-273
DOI : 10.1108/EBR-06-2015-0058 -
WILLIAMS, C., A.COLOVIC, J.ZHU, "Foreign market knowledge, country sales breadth and innovative performance of emerging market firms", International Journal of Innovation Management, Décembre 2016, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1650059-1 - 1650059-25
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Technological environment and technology entrepreneurship: A cross-country analysis", Creativity and Innovation Management, 2015, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 617-628
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Early internationalization of new ventures from emerging countries: The case of transition economies", M@n@gement, Janvier 2015, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 8-30
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "The role of formal industry clusters in the internationalization of new ventures", European Business Review, Septembre 2014, no. 5, pp. 449-470
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Innovation and internationalization of young entrepreneurial firms", Management International, Septembre 2013, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 87- 103
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Do demographics influence aggregate entrepreneurship?", Applied Economics Letters, Juin 2013, vol. 20, no. 20, pp. 1206-1210
COLOVIC, A., "Le rôle des pôles de compétitivité dans l’internationalisation des petites et moyennes entreprises : une étude exploratoire", Management International, Septembre 2013, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 138-152
COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Entrepreneurs seniors et innovation. Une étude sur données individuelles", Revue Française de Gestion, Octobre 2012, no. 227, pp. 127-141
COLOVIC, A., "Territorial systems and relocation: Insights from eight cases in Japan", Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Août 2012, vol. 24, no. 7-8, pp. 589-617
DOI : 10.1080/08985626.2012.710258 -
COLOVIC, A., U.MAYRHOFER, "La reconfiguration de l’espace mondial et les stratégies de localisation des firmes multinationales", Management International, Septembre 2011, vol. 16, no. 1
COLOVIC, A., E.DELATTRE, "Memory and perception of brand mentions and placement of brands in songs", International Journal of Advertising, Décembre 2009, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 807-842
COLOVIC, A., "La grande transformation des PME japonaises: le rôle central des compétences", Revue Française de Gestion, Mai 2008, vol. 34, no. 182, pp. 45-61
COLOVIC, A., "Co-évolution et adaptabilité des réseaux: études de cas et simulation", Revue Française de Gestion, Mai 2006, vol. 32, no. 164, pp. 119-140
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, M. C.BAYON, "Technology Adoption and Product Innovation by Third-Age Entrepreneurs: Evidence from GEM Data" dans Handbook of Research on Elderly Entrepreneurship., Adnane Maâlaoui Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 111-124, 2019
- COLOVIC, A., G.GUALLINO, "Julian Birkinshaw. Optimiser la création de valeur au niveau global" dans Les grands auteurs en Management international., Mayrhofer U. Ed., Collection Grands auteurs, pp. 259-277, 2014
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "L'innovation, défi majeur pour la croissance de demain" dans Regards sur un XXIe siècle en mouvement., Thomas Porcher Ed., Ellipses Marketing, 2012
- COLOVIC, A., "Towards a better understanding of multinational enterprises' R&D location choices" dans Global outsourcing and Offshoring, an Integrated Approach to Theory and Corporate Strategy., Contractor F., Kumar V., Kundu S.K., Pedersen T. Eds, Cambridge University Press, 2010
- COLOVIC, A., M.CARTIER, "Kiryu, Suwa-Okaya, Higashi Osaka et Hitachi: quatre districts industriels japonais face à la concurrence" dans Cas en management stratégique. Autour du diagnostic., Joffre O., Plé L. et Simon E. Eds, Collection Etudes de cas, 2007
- COLOVIC, A., A.MATSUMOTO, "Small Firm Networks - The Case of Industrial Districts in Japan" dans Co-operation and Competition: "Co-opetition", The Organization of the Future., Zineldin, M. Eds, Studentlitteratur, pp. 109-116, 2002
- COLOVIC, A., Les réseaux de PME dans les districts industriels au Japon , Collection Intelligence économique, 2011
Academic conferences
- MISGANAW, B., D. ASSEFA, A. COLOVIC, "The non–monotonic impact of informality years on firm performance: empirical evidence from 116 developing countries", European Academy of Management, 2022
ASSEFA, D., B.MISGANAW, A.COLOVIC, "Is Starting Unregistered Beneficial for Firms? The Moderating Role of Institutional Context" dans Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2020
DOI : 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.17683abstract - COLOVIC, A., B.MISGANAW, D.ASSEFA, "Is starting and staying unregistered beneficial for firms in developing countries? The moderating role of the institutional context" dans 10th annual conference of Atlas-AFMI, 2020, France
- LIAO, T.-C., A.COLOVIC, "Learning-by-exporting and SMEs: the effect of the open search strategy and market-oriented information" dans European International Business Academy, 2020, online conference, Viena, Autriche
- COLOVIC, A., B.MISGANAW, D.ASSEFA, "What role do firms that started out unregistered play in global value chains? Testing the “liability of informality” hypothesis" dans EIBA 2020 online conference, 2020, Viena, Autriche
- CALOFFI, A., F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, A.COLOVIC, "The changing role of public intermediaries in the context of emerging digital technologies: evidence from France and the UK" dans R&D Management Conference, 2019, Paris, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Effectuation and Social Value Creation: Evidence from an Emerging Economy" dans Atlas-AFMI 2019, 2019, Fribourg, Allemagne
- COLOVIC, A., J.-C.GESSLER, U.MAYRHOFER, "The Impact of Knowledge Sharing on SME Internationalization" dans 45th European International Business Academy Conference, 2019, Leeds, 13-15 December, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, L.CHALENÇON, U.MAYRHOFER, "How Do Reputation and International Experience Influence the Choice of Cross-border Acquisitions?" dans 45th European International Business Academy Conference, 2019, Leeds, 13-15 December, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., C.WILLIAMS, "Moderating effect of diversity on the relationship between group culture and innovativeness: Evidence from a transition economy" dans SASE conference, 2018, Kyoto, Japon
- COLOVIC, A., "Leadership, business model innovation and SME internationalization" dans iBEGIN Conference, 2017, Venice, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Corruption and Exports: Firm-Level Evidence from Transition Economies" dans Conference European International Business Academy (EIBA), University of Uppsala, 2014, Suède
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Are senior entrepreneurs innovative? Evidence from GEM data" dans Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research conference "Entrepreneurship & Economic Development", 2013, Espagne
- COLOVIC, A., "Co-evolution and Networks Adaptation : What Can We Learn from Biology?" dans Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2006, États-Unis
- COLOVIC, A., "Co-évolution et adaptabilité des réseaux: études de cas et simulation" dans 15ème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), 2006, France
- COLOVIC, A., "What direction should the cluster policy take - Top-down implementation or bottom-up emergence?: The case of Japan" dans Uddevalla Symposium, 2003, Suède
Etude de cas déposée
- MEHROTRA , S., A. COLOVIC - "17000 ft Foundation – Embracing Inclusion at Remote Altitudes" - 2022, Emerging Markets Case Studies
- COLOVIC, A., M.SCHRUOFFENEGER - "Salada Fast Food: a business model for the favela, and the challenge of eating better!" - 2018, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
- COLOVIC, A., M.SCHRUOFFENEGER - "Salada Fast Food: business model et favelas, le défi de mieux manger!" - 2017, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
- COLOVIC, A., G.SERIO - "Babycalin: How to keep our little darlings comfortable?" - 2017, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
- COLOVIC, A., G.SERIO - "Babycalin : quelle stratégie pour bien servir les tout-petits ?" - 2015, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
- COLOVIC, A., B. BENOIT - "Naturaulin: Quel business model pour une entreprise d’insertion" - 2013, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
- COLOVIC, A., O. LAMOTTE - "Le Cluster de Shouguang en Chine : d'un centre de production local de légumes à un acteur mondial du secteur" - 2011, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
- COLOVIC, A., O. LAMOTTE - "Shouguang cluster in China: cluster from a local vegetable production base to a global player in the sector" - 2011, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., G. SERIO - "GEOX: The breathing shoe out to conquer the world" - 2011, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., G. SERIO - "GEOX : 'La chaussure qui respire' à la conquête du monde" - 2011, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
- COLOVIC, A., A. GOERZEN - "Lyonbiopôle : The Challenge of Becoming a World-Class Biotechnology Cluster" - 2009, Ivey Case Studies
- COLOVIC, A., A. GOERZEN - "System@tic: The Race for Partners" - 2009, Ivey Case Studies
Communication dans une conférence sans actes
- CALOFFI, A., A. COLOVIC, V. RIZZOLI, F. ROSSI, "Mapping innovation intermediaries' types and functions: A computational review of the literature" dans 20th Triple Helix Conference, 2022, Florence, Italie
- MEHROTRA , S., A. COLOVIC, "17000 Ft Foundation - Embracing Inclusion at Remote Altitudes" dans Administrative Sciences Association of Canada -ASAC 2021 Conference, 2021, Online conference, June 12-15 2021, Canada
- COLOVIC, A., C. T. LIAO, "The Impact of Open Search, Foreign Ownership, and Market information on SME exporters’ productivity" dans 11ème conférence Atlas AFMI, 2021, Online conference, France
- RUSSO, M., A. CALOFFI, A. COLOVIC, P. PAVONE, S. ROMEO, F. ROSSI, "Mapping the regional strengths in a key enabling technology: the distribution of Internet of Things competences across European regions" dans Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale XIX Workshop Annuale, 2021, University of Parma, online conference, 10-11 June 2021, Italie
- CALOFFI, A., A. COLOVIC, F. ROSSI, M. RUSSO, "New business models for public innovation intermediaries in the Internet of Things innovation systems" dans DRUID21 Conference, 18-20 October, 2021, Copenhagen, Danemark
- RUSSO, M., A. CALOFFI, A. COLOVIC, P. PAVONE, S. ROMEO, F. ROSSI, "Clustering Internet of Things competences across European regions" dans Rethinking Clusters IV° International Conference on Cluster Research (Online) – University of Florence – Italy, 2021, Florence, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., A.CALOFFI, F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, "Technological Revolutions and Policy Evolution: The Case of Innovation Intermediaries in the Context of Emerging Digital Technologies" dans 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, 2020, Stavanger, Norvège co-auteurs présentés
- COLOVIC, A., A.CALOFFI, F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, "Public innovation intermediaries and digital technology co-creation processes" CIMR Debates in Public Policy Seminar Series: 'Science-Business Co-Creation in the Digital Economy', CIMR, Birkbeck. 2020, London, Royaume-Uni
- CALOFFI, A., A.COLOVIC, F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, "Mapping the roles of intermediaries in the Internet of Things in Europe" dans The 61st Annnual Conference of the Italian Economic Association, October 20-23, 2020, Online conference, Italie co-auteurs présentés
- DU, H.-S., A.COLOVIC, "The performance effects of multinational firms' FDI global city location strategy" dans AIB Annual Conference, 2020, Miami, États-Unis
- COLOVIC, A., A.CALOFFI, F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, "Innovation intermediaries in the context of emerging digital technologies" dans Innovation intermediaries and emerging digital technologies: policy and practice, CIMR, Birkbeck, 2020, London, Royaume-Uni
- CALOFFI, A., A.COLOVIC, F.ROSSI, M.RUSSO, "How should policy adapt to knowledge co-creation in the digital age? Evidence from public innovation intermediaries in the UK and France" dans Digital Innovation in agriculture and beyond: Policy insights, OECD-CREA Workshop, September 23-24, 2019, Rome, Italie co-auteurs présentés
- ROSSI, F., A.CALOFFI, A.COLOVIC, M.RUSSO, "Technological Revolutions and Policy Evolution: The Case of Publicly Funded Innovation Intermediaries in the Context of Emerging Digital Technologies" dans Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, 2019, London, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., "Leadership, business model innovation and internationalization performance of late internationalizing firms" dans Sino-Euro Forum for Management and Innovation under Globalization, Nankai Business School, October 19, 2019, Tianjin, Chine
- DU, H.-S., A.COLOVIC, "The performance effects of multinatonal firms' FDI global city location strategy" dans Strategic Management Society Special Conference, 2019, Frankfurt, Allemagne
- COLOVIC, A., J.YANG, "Value implication of resource bundles of acquirers in M&A" Strategy & Entrepreneurship Research Seminar, NEOMA Business School. 2019, Paris, France
- CHALENÇON, L., A.COLOVIC, O.LAMOTTE, U.MAYRHOFER, "How does reputation impact the reaction of financial markets to cross-border M&As?" dans 45th Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland chapter) annual conference, 2018, Birmingham, Royaume-Uni co-auteurs présentés
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Leadership, business model innovation and internationalization performance of late internationalizing firms" dans 8e conférence Atlas - AFMI, 2018, Paris, France
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Corruption and Exports : Firm-Level Evidence from Transition" dans 1ère journée de recherche en Management Export, 2017, ESC, Paris, France
- MESCHI, P.-X., A.COLOVIC, O.LAMOTTE, O.ESCOBAR, "Multinational Enterprises and Human Rights Violation in Emerging Economies: Behaving like Janus or Prometheus?" dans Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter, 2017, Reading, UK, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., "Connectivity, innovation and international inter-cluster alliances" dans EIBA 2016, 2016, Vienne, Autriche
- LAMOTTE, O., O.ESCOBAR, A.COLOVIC, P.-X.MESCHI, "From Shadow to Light: The Impact of Informal Economy on the Export Propensity of Emerging Economy Firms" dans Academy of International Business annual conference, 2016, New Orleans, États-Unis co-auteurs présentés
- HENNERON, S., A.COLOVIC, M.DABIC, M. A.OMAZIC, M.HUETTINGER, R.KAZLAUSKAITE - "ReBuSME Responsible Business Management of SMEs 19 Case studies on corporate social responsability" - 2016, Rotterdam
- COLOVIC, A., S.HENNERON, O.LAMOTTE, "Corporate Social Responsibility and SME Internationalization" dans Conférence Atlas AFMI, 2016, Nice, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Corruption and Exports: Firm-Level Evidence from Transition Economies" dans Conference Atlas - AFMI, 2015, Viet Nam
- ESCOBAR, O., O.LAMOTTE, A.COLOVIC, P.-X.MESCHI, "The Impact of Informal Sector Inputs on Exports: Evidence from Mexican Manufacturing Firms" Sussex University Business and Management Seminar. 2015, Brighton, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., "Why are cluster policies created and how do they work? A comparison between Austria, France, Japan and Sweden" dans Can Policy Transform Regions into Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hubs? Theory, Evidence and Practice Workshop, Birkbeck Centre for Innovation Management Research (CIMR), Birkbeck, University of London, 2015, Londres, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Global Pipelines, Innovation And Inter-Cluster Alliances" dans 3rd iBEGIN (International Business, Economic Geography, Innovation) Conference, 2015, Philadelphia, États-Unis
- COLOVIC, A., S.HENNERON, O.LAMOTTE, "What makes companies adopt responsible business practices at home and during internationalization? Evidence from French SMEs in the agro-food industry" dans 19th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 2015, Londres, Royaume-Uni
- HENNERON, S., A.COLOVIC, "What drives the adoption of responsible business practices at home and in foreign countries?: Evidence from French SMEs in the agro-food industry" dans EBEN Research Conference 2014, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Technological environment and innovative firm entry: a cross-country analysis" Workshop du pôle Entrepreneuriat et Innovation - Rouen Business School. 2012, France
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Innovation and early internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: evidence from cross-country data" dans 2ème Conférence Annuelle d'Atlas-AFMI (Association Francophone de Management International), 2012, France
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Innovation et internationalisation des jeunes entreprises : une étude comparative" dans 15th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 2012, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., "Les entrepreneurs séniors sont-ils innovants?" Séminaire du pôle Entrepreneuriat et Innovation - Rouen Business School. 2012, France
- COLOVIC, A., O.LAMOTTE, "Does the technological environment determine innovative firm entry? Evidence from GEM data" dans Uddevalla Symposium, 2011, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., "Vers un modèle d’internationalisation des petites et moyennes entreprises à travers les clusters industriels" dans 1ère Conférence Annuelle d'Atlas-AFMI (Association Francophone de Management International), 2011, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Intermediated internationalization of small and medium-size enterprises through industry clusters" dans International iSMEs Conference, 2010, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Towards a Better Understanding of Multinational Firms’ R&D Location Choices" dans Conference on Offshoring and Outsourcing: The Organizational and Geographical Relocation of High Value Company Function, 2008, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., "Attractiveness of territories for R&D localisation: a study of determinant factors" dans DRUID Summer Conference, 2007, Danemark
- COLOVIC, A., "METI and cluster development in Japan (présentation orale)" dans Workshop International best practices in cluster development - Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade, 2007, Turquie
- COLOVIC, A., "Co-evolution and Networks Adaptation" dans DRUID Summer Conference, 2007, Danemark
- COLOVIC, A., "What determines R&D localisation of multinational firms ?" dans 47th Congress European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2007, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Attractivité des territoires pour la localisation d'activités de R&D : étude des facteurs déterminants" dans Réunion inaugurale du groupe de travail ANRT-FutuRIS, 2006, France
- COLOVIC, A., "Co-evolution and Networks Adaptation : What Can We Learn from Biology?" dans 22nd EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2006, Norvège
- COLOVIC, A., "Co-evolution and Networks Adaptation : What Can We Learn from Biology?" dans 6th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2006, Norvège
- COLOVIC, A., "How strong are networks? Industry relocation and industrial districts in Japan" dans International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks - EMNet, 2005, Hongrie
- COLOVIC, A., "Diversity and interdependence as determinants of network adaptability: qualitative case studies and agent-based modeling" dans Complexity, Science and Society Conference, 2005, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., "Constructing empirical typologies with a quali-quantitative approach: application to a typology of inter-firm networks" dans 21st EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2005, Allemagne
- COLOVIC, A., "Relocation of industries: What future for industrial districts in Japan?" dans 20th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2004, Slovénie
- COLOVIC, A., "Spatial inter-firm networks in the post-modernization era: the case of town factories' agglomerations in Japan" dans 19th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2003, Danemark
- COLOVIC, A., "What direction should the cluster policy take - Top-down implementation or bottom-up emergence?: The case of Japan" dans Conference in honour of Professor Sebastiano Brusco, 2003, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., "Clusters, industrial districts and firms: The Challenge of Globalization" dans Conference in honour of Professor Sebastiano Brusco, 2003, Italie
- COLOVIC, A., "Industrial districts and small-firm Networks - The Case of Japan" dans British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference, 2002, Royaume-Uni
- COLOVIC, A., "Districts industriels et réseaux stratégiques - oranisation et changements stratégiques dans les villes-chateaux" dans Colloque Les réseaux - dimensions stratégiques et organisationnelles, PESOR, 2002, France
Revues professionnelles
- LAMOTTE, O., A. COLOVIC, O. ESCOBAR, P.-X. MESCHI, "Pays émergents : l’économie informelle, un avantage concurrentiel pour les exportateurs", The Conversation, Mars 2022
- LAMOTTE, O., A. COLOVIC, L. CHALENÇON, U. MAYRHOFER, "L’effet ambivalent de la réputation des entreprises sur leurs décisions d’acquisitions internationales", The Conversation, Mai 2021
- LAMOTTE, O., A.COLOVIC, O.ESCOBAR, P.-X.MESCHI, "Human rights: the indirect impact of multinationals in emerging countries", The Conversation, Octobre 2019
- LAMOTTE, O., A.COLOVIC, O.ESCOBAR, P.-X.MESCHI, "Droits de l’homme : l’impact indirect des multinationales dans les pays émergents", The Conversation, Septembre 2019