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Doctorat, Intelligence artificielle

Diana MANGALAGIU est professeur associée à NEOMA Business School. Son parcours est double, couvrant les Sciences naturelles (Doctorat en Intelligence artificielle, Ecole Polytechnique, MSc. en Physique) et les Sciences sociales (MSc. en Sociologie, MSc. en Gestion). Ses intérêts portent sur la Durabilité et sur l'Articulation des politiques environnementales et économiques dans la mise en place de politiques d'entreprises et de politiques publiques, traitées par un ensemble de modélisation, d'expérimentation sociale et de prévisions. Ses recherches sont publiées dans des revues telles que Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Critical Review, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Futures. Elle est Cofondatrice d'Initiative for Science, Society and Policy Dialogue, membre du bureau scientifique du Global Climate Forum, Integrated Risk Governance Project and Global System Dynamics and Policy et Coprésidente du Global Environmental Outlook de l'UNEP. Elle a piloté et participé à des projets de conseil, de recherche et de développement avec des entreprises, des administrations nationales et régionales, la Banque mondiale, l'OCDE, l'UNEP, l'UNDP. Diana est d'origine française et roumaine. Grâce à ses voyages, elle parle maintenant sept langues couramment.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises
  • Politique environnementale
  • Gestion du dévelopement durable
  • Transition bas-carbone

Récentes contributions académiques

  • MANGALAGIU, D., F. MEY, J. LILLIESTAM, "Anticipating socio-technical tipping points", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89, pp. 1-13
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102911
  • WITAJEWSKA-BALTVILKA, B., F.-E. HELEPCIUC, D. MANGALAGIU, A. TODOR, "Politicization of climate change and Central and Eastern European countries’ stance towards the European Green Deal", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89, pp. 1-9
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102932
  • MARTINEZ-REYES, A., J. LIEU, N. GOYAL, D. MANGALAGIU, T. HOPPE, "When does the energy transition impact household affordability? A mixed-methods comparison of fourteen coal and carbon-intensive regions", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102936


  • MARTINEZ-REYES, A., J. LIEU, N. GOYAL, D. MANGALAGIU, T. HOPPE, "When does the energy transition impact household affordability? A mixed-methods comparison of fourteen coal and carbon-intensive regions", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102936
  • WITAJEWSKA-BALTVILKA, B., F.-E. HELEPCIUC, D. MANGALAGIU, A. TODOR, "Politicization of climate change and Central and Eastern European countries’ stance towards the European Green Deal", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89, pp. 1-9
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102932
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F. MEY, J. LILLIESTAM, "Anticipating socio-technical tipping points", Global Environmental Change, Décembre 2024, vol. 89, pp. 1-13
    DOI : 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102911
  • MANGALAGIU, D., J. LIEU, A. MARTÍNEZ-REYES, P. GROOME, B. J. PEARCE, B. WITAJEWSKA-BALTVILKA, R.-E. D. MØLLER, "Inclusive stakeholder engagement for equitable knowledge co-production: Insights from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme in climate change research", GAIA ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, Mars 2023, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 138-143
    DOI : 10.14512/gaia.32.1.11
  • LAN, J., D. MANGALAGIU, Y. MA, T. THORNTON, D. ZHU, "Modelling consumption behaviour changes in a B2C electric vehicle-sharing system: a perceived systemic risk perspective", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 655–669
    DOI : 10.1007/s10584-019-02439-0
  • CHAAR, A. -M., D. MANGALAGIU, A. KHOURY, M. NICOLAS, "Transition towards sustainability in a post-conflict country: a neo-institutional perspective on the Lebanese case", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 691–709
    DOI : 10.1007/s10584-019-02478-7
  • YAZAR, M., D. HESTAD, D. MANGALAGIU, A. K. SAYSEL, Y. MA, T. THORNTON, "From urban sustainability transformations to green gentrification: urban renewal in Gaziosmanpasa, Istanbul", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 637–653
    DOI : 10.1007/s10584-019-02509-3
  • THORNTON, T. F., D.MANGALAGIU, Y.MA, J.LAN, M.YAZAR, A.SAYSEL, A. M.CHAAR, "Cultural models of and for urban sustainability: assessing beliefs about Green-Win", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 521–537
    DOI : doi.org/10.1007/s10584-019-02518-2
  • MA, Y., T. THORNTON, D. MANGALAGIU, J. LAN, D. HESTAD, E. APOSTOLI CAPPELLO, S. VAN DER LEEUW, "Co-creation, co-evolution and co-governance: understanding green businesses and urban transformations", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 621–636
    DOI : doi.org/10.1007/s10584-019-02541-3
  • YAZAR, M., D. HESTAD, D. MANGALAGIU, Y. MA, T. THORNTON, A. KEREM SAYSEL, D. ZHU, "Enabling environments for regime destabilization towards sustainable urban transitions in megacities: comparing Shanghai and Istanbul", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 727–752
    DOI : 10.1007/s10584-020-02726-1
  • MANGALAGIU, D., J. HINKEL, A. BISARO, J. D. TABARA, "Transformative narratives for climate action", Climatic Change, Juin 2020, vol. 160, pp. 495–506
    DOI : 10.1007/s10584-020-02761-y
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F.AGGESTAM, "Is sharing truly caring? Environmental data value chains and policymaking in Europe and Central Asia", Environmental Science and Policy, Août 2020, vol. 114, pp. 152–161
    DOI : 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.07.012
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F.AGGESTAM, A.LIPPONEN, M.VARDON, U.WEHN, "Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) for evidence-based policymaking", Environmental Science and Policy, Août 2020, vol. 114, pp. 178–181
    DOI : 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.07.016
  • MANGALAGIU, D., N.DRONIN, M.BILLOT, "Implementing the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) and environmental policies in Central Asia", Environmental Science and Policy, Mai 2019, vol. 99, pp. 29-36
    DOI : 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.05.017
  • TABARA, J., J.JAGER, D.MANGALAGIU, M.GRASSO, "Defining Transformative Climate Science to Address High-end Climate Change", Regional Environmental Change, Mars 2019, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 807-818
    DOI : 10.1007/s10113-018-1288-8
  • MANGALAGIU, D., Y.MA, K.RONG, T.THORNTON, D.ZHU, "Co-evolution between urban sustainability and business ecosystem innovation: Evidence from the sharing mobility sector in Shanghai", Journal of Cleaner Production, Juillet 2018, vol. 188, pp. 942-953
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.323
  • STRAATMAN, B., B.BOYD, D.MANGALAGIU, P.RATHJE, C.ERIKSEN, S.RASMUSSEN, "A consumption-based, regional input-output analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon regional index", International Journal for Environmental Technology and Management, Juin 2018, vol. 21, no. 1/2, pp. 1-36
  • MA, Y., K.RONG, Y.LUO, Y.WANG, D.MANGALAGIU, T.THORNTON, "Value Co-creation for sustainable consumption and production in the sharing economy in China", Journal of Cleaner Production, Octobre 2018, no. 208, pp. 1148-1158
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.135
  • MA, Y., J.LAN, T.THORNTON, D.MANGALAGIU, D.ZHU, "Challenges of Collaborative Governance in the Sharing Economy: The case of free-floating bike sharing in Shanghai", Journal of Cleaner Production, Octobre 2018, vol. 197, no. 1, pp. 356-365
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.213
  • PAROUSSOS, L., D.MANGALAGIU, F.MEISSNER, C.JAEGER, "The economic cost of a transition to a low-carbon economy: the case of Bulgaria and Romania", Journal of Energy and Development, Novembre 2017, vol. 42, no. 1&2, pp. 33-66
  • JING, L., Y.MA, D.ZHU, D.MANGALAGIU, T.THORNTON, "Enabling Value Co-Creation in the Sharing Economy: The Case of Mobike", Sustainability, Août 2017, vol. 9, no. 1504, pp. 1504-1524
    DOI : 10.3390/su9091504
  • TUCKETT, D., A. ABRAMSON, J. HINKEL, A. MANDEL, K. KATSIKOPOULOS, K. KIRMAN, D. MANGALAGIU, A. WILKINSON, T. VENTURINI, R. E. SMITH, P. ORMEROD, T. MALLERET, I. MOZETIC, "Uncertainty, Decision Science, and Policy Making: A Manifesto for a Research Agenda", Critical Review, Septembre 2015, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 213-242
    DOI : 10.1080/08913811.2015.1037078
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.WILKINSON, R.KUPERS, "How plausibility-based scenario practices are grappling with complexity to appreciate and address 21st century challenges", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Mai 2013, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 699-710
  • MANGALAGIU, D., J.TABARA, R.KUPERS, JAEGER, "Transformative targets in sustainability policy making: the case of the 30% EU mitigation goal", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Septembre 2013, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1180-1191
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C. JAEGER, A. MANDEL, "Editorial: Economics as a global system science", Complexity Economics, Janvier 2012, no. 1, pp. 1-3
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C.JAEGER, "A Third Way Out: The Dilemma of Eastern Europe", Solutions, Septembre 2012, no. 5, pp. 29-33
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.WILKINSON, "Learning with futures to realise progress towards sustainability: The WBCSD Vision 2050 Initiative", Futures, Mai 2012, no. 4, pp. 372-384
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Climate change policy in Europe and US: the role of corporate social responsibility", Perspective Politice, Décembre 2010, no. 4, pp. 41-66
  • MANGALAGIU, D., G.WEISBUCH, R.BEN-AV, S.SOLOMON, "Simple models of firms emergence", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Septembre 2008, no. 21, pp. 5231-5238
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.WEINFELD, "Tree Search Techniques for the Optimization of the k Nearest Neighbors Algorithm", Advances in Handwriting Recognition Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, Janvier 1999, vol. 34, no. 4

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • MANGALAGIU, D., C. CRISTINA APETREI, "Comment les valeurs culturelles ont-elles été intégrées dans la structure et le fonctionnement du modèle World3 ?" dans World3 et le rapport Meadows., Ed., L'Excès, 2023
  • CRISTINA APETREI, C., D. MANGALAGIU, "Quelles sont les valeurs idéologiques qui sous-tendent les choix du rapport Meadows et les simulations du modèle World3 ?" dans World3 et le rapport Meadows., Ed., L'Excès, 2023
  • MARGULIS, E. H., N. JACOBY, D. MANGALAGIU, P. SAVAGE, "Building sustainable global collaborative networks: Recommendations from music studies and the social sciences" dans The Science-Music Borderlands: Reckoning with the Past and Imagining the Future., Ed., MIT Press, 2022
    DOI : 10.31234/osf.io/cb4ys
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C. JAEGER, J. TEITGE, "EU Investment in Energy Supply for Europe" dans The Great Reset: 2021 European Public Investment Outlook., Floriana Cerniglia, Francesco Saraceno, and Andrew Watt Eds, Open Book Publishers, pp. 171-184, 2021
  • KAINUMA, M., D.MANGALAGIU, G. R.ASRAR, K.JACOB, "The Way Forward" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 581-596, 2019
  • JACOB, K., P.KING, D.MANGALAGIU, "Conclusions on Policy Effectiveness" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 453-462, 2019
  • CRUMP, J., K.JACOB, P.KING, D.MANGALAGIU, C.ZICKGRAF, "Systemic Policy Approaches for Cross-cutting Issues" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 425-452, 2019
  • JACOB, K., P.KING , D.MANGALAGIU, P.ZDRULI , K.HELMING, A.ONWUEMELE, L.ZAMANI, "Land and Soil Policy" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 373-398, 2019
  • MANGALAGIU, D., E.BAKER, P.FIDELMAN, J.HOLLWAY, R. E.KIM, L. R.GONÇALVES, P.HARRIS, J.RICE, "Oceans and Coastal Policy" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 349-372, 2019
  • MANGALAGIU, D., N.MUKHERJEE, J.DAVIES, D.ARMENTERAS PASCUAL, L. R.GONÇALVES, J.HILLS, L.MCRAE, P.STOETT, "Biodiversity Policy" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 323-348, 2019
  • JACOB, K., D.MANGALAGIU, "Approach to Assessment of Policy Effectiveness" dans Global Environment Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People., UN Environment with contributions from Paul Lucas, Detlef van Vuuren en Lex Bouwman Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 273-282, 2019
  • MANGALAGIU, D., J.SELSKY, A.WILKINSON, "Using futures methods in cross-sector partnership projects: engaging wicked problems responsibly" dans Social partnerships and responsible business: A research handbook., Seitanidi M. M. and Crane A. Ed., Routledge, pp. 267-287, 2013
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.HAMICHI, Z.GUESSOUM, "A Multi-Agent System for production networks simulation: Toward a pheromone-based model for agents' coordination" dans Production and Manufacturing System Management: Coordination Approaches and Multi-Site Planning., RENNA Paolo Ed., IGI Global, pp. 41-57, 2012
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.WILKINSON, R.KUPERS, "When futures lock-in the present: towards a new generation of climate scenarios" dans Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions., Earthscan, pp. 160-175, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., K.HASSELMANN, C.JAEGER, G.LEIPOLD, "Introduction: Beyond the zero sum game: from shirking burdens to sharing benefits" dans Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions., Earthscan, pp. 01-14, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., K.HASSELMANN, C.JAEGER, G.LEIPOLD, "Conclusion - action for climate" dans Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions., Earthscan, pp. 237-244, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., J.CAMERON, "Challenges and opportunities in financing the response to climate change" dans Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions., Earthscan, pp. 199-216, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C.JAEGER, L.PAROUSSOS, R.KUPERS, "Assessing Green Growth: The case of Europe" dans Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions., Earthscan, pp. 102-118, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.LAMIERI, "Changing roles in Organizations: An Agent-Based Approach" dans Computational Analysis of Firms Organization and Strategic Behaviour., MOLLONA Edoardo Ed., Routledge Research in Strategic Management, pp. 211-229, 2010
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.LAMIERI, "Interactions between formal and informal organizational networks" dans Handbook of research on multi-agent systems: semantics and dynamics of organizational models., Information Science Reference, pp. 480-513, 2009
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.RASMUSSEN, "Initiative for Science, Society and Policy" dans Viljen til Visdom., Slagmark, pp. 196-206, 2008
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Corporate Social Responsibility: A Catalyst for Progressive Change in the U.S. Energy Sector" dans How business affects society., LOGSDON M. Jeanne Ed., OMNIPRESS, pp. 263-278, 2007
  • MANGALAGIU, D., L.SCHOMAKER, L.VUURPIJL, M.WEINFELD, "Two tree-formation methods and fast pattern search using nearest neighbor and nearest-centroid matching" dans Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition., SCHOMAKER Lambert, VUURPIJL Louis Eds, IUF Press, pp. 261-270, 2000


  • TABARA, J. D., A. FLAMOS, D. MANGALAGIU, S. MICHAS, Positive Tipping Points Towards Sustainability, Springer, 2024
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-50762-5
  • ASRAR, G. R., E.BAKER, D.MANGALAGIU, ..AND AL, Global Environment Outlook – GEO-6: Technical Summary, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021
  • MANGALAGIU, D., K. HASSELMANN, C. JAEGER, G. LEIPOLD, Reframing the Problem of Climate Change: From Zero Sum Game to Win-win Solutions, Earthscan, 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., B. S. FLOWERS, R. KUPERS, R. RAMIREZ, J. R. RAVETZ, Beyond the Financial Crisis, The Oxford Scenarios, 2010

Academic conferences

  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Role of Foresight in Designing Policy for Community Resilience" dans International Conference on Integrated Risk Management, Beijing Normal University, 2012, Chine
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.WILKINSON, J.SELSKY, "Challenges of Using Futures Methods in Sustainable Development Projects" dans AOM (Academy of Management), 2011, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Resilience: problems and methods" dans ECF (European Climate Forum) conference: 'Integrated Risk Governance in the Mediterranean Region: Climate Change, Democracy, and Growth', Autonomous university of Bracelona, 2011, Espagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Resilience and integrated risk governance: what insights from foresight methods and practice?" dans Integrated Risk Governance International Conference, Beijing Normal University, 2011, Chine
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.WILKINSON, "Thinking the Unthinkable: Scenarios and the Social Construction of Ignorance" dans Challenging Models in the Face of Uncertainty, 2010, Royaume-Uni
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "The Oxford Scenarios: Learning from a Crisis towards Anticipatory Knowledge, The Eye of a Perfect Storm: An Interior View at the Financial Crisis" dans International Monetary Fund Conference, 2010, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Scenarios and complex systems: a dialogue for improving policy making" dans International Conference of Resource Information Centers on Resource Use, Environmental Conservation, Systems Modeling and Sustainability, 2010, Islande
  • MANGALAGIU, D., R.KUPERS, A.WILKINSON, "Financial crisis and strategic learning: using scenarios as framing devices in processes of anticipatory knowledge" dans EGOS 2010 (European Group of Organizational Studies), 2010, Portugal
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Beyond unrealistic dreaming to creating a better future: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development Vision 2050 Initiative" dans Re-Imagining Partnerships for the Global Social Good, Brunel Business School, 2010, Royaume-Uni
  • MANGALAGIU, D., N.FERRAND, C.WASDEN, R.MANNING, "Accelerating biopharma innovation through market discipline: an agent-based model of the pharmaceutical complex adaptive system" dans 25th EGOS colloquium (European Group of Organization Studies), 2009, Espagne
  • BINNINGER, A.-S., D. MANGALAGIU, I. ROBERT, "Réalités et conséquences de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises pour les consommateurs : comment le marketing peut contribuer à générer des comportements responsables ?" dans Colloque 'Changer pour durer', 2009, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Réalités et conséquences de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises pour les consommateurs : comment le marketing peut contribuer à générer des comportements responsables ?" dans Colloque 'Changer pour durer', 2009, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.HAMICHI, D.BREE, Z.GUESSOUM, "A Multi-Agent System of Adaptive Production Networks" dans 10th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS), 2009, Hongrie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.HAMICHI, Z.GUESSOUM, "A Multi-Agent System of Adaptive Production Networks" dans 8th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), 2009, Hongrie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.HAMICHI, S.SOLOMON, Z.GUESSOUM, "Production network with strategic firms' behavior" dans International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, 2008, Pologne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., N.FERRAND, F.AMBLARD, L.ANTUNES, "The social fabric of Jeans' Assessing the social: coupling social simulation and assessment methods" dans Conference on Complex Systems, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2008, Israël
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Accumulation of knowledge through collaborative participation and dialogue experiments" dans XVèmes Rencontres de Rochebrune, 2008, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., S.RASMUSSEN, H.ZIOCK, "Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy Sector and Climate Change" dans Academy of Management Conference, 2008, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Corporate Social Responsibility: a catalyst for progressive change in the US Energy Sector?" dans Conférence Annuelle, 2007, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Collective intelligence for decision support in very large stakeholder networks: the future US energy system" dans Conference Law and Society, 2007, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Generalized Lotka & Voltera Model of Real Estate Price Dynamics" dans Workshop on complexity in economics, University of Rome La Sapienza, 2006, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.LAMIERI, "Efficiency and evolution of hierarchical organizations" dans AKSOE, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Conference, 2006, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., V.PAONE, "How the non-conformism becomes reference: the case of the Corporate Social Responsibility" dans CEROS Workshop, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 2006, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., V.PAONE, "La contagion RSE dans la distribution : le rôle du partenariat ONG/entreprises" dans Conférence Response La RSE au-delà des labels - 8e Université de Printemps de l'Institut de l'Audit Social, 2006, Sénégal
  • MANGALAGIU, D., O.DUPOUET, "Modélisation des interactions entre la structure formelle et les réseaux informels des organisations" dans Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie, 2006, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., R.BEN-AV, "On the emergence of hierarchies as governance structures" dans AKSOE, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Conference, 2006, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.LAMIERI, "Economic performance and dynamics of hierarchical organizations" dans Thematic Institute Interfacing Networks: from behavioral Networks to info-structures and infrastructures, 2006, Italie
  • DEROY, X., D. MANGALAGIU, "An economy of improvisation rooted in the innovation process. The case of pharmaceutic industry" dans EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies), 2005, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Can science and literature ever meet or should they?" dans University of Alberta, University of Alberta, 2002, Canada
  • MANGALAGIU, D., L.SCHOMAKER, M.WEINFELD, L.VUURPIJL, "Two tree-formation methods and fast pattern search using nearest neighbor and nearest-centroid matching" dans 7th international IWFHR, workshop on frontiers in handwriting, 2000, Pays-Bas

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Building sustainable global collaborative research networks" dans Global Research Institute, Keio University, 2021, Tokyo, Japon
  • MANGALAGIU, D., G. BABINET, F. HINTERMANN, T.-P. MAURY, "Innovation: France's Got Talent: Comparison of European Corporate Venture Capital & Digital Innovation Ecosystems", Institut Montaigne, 2021
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Building sustainable global collaborative research networks" dans Symposium, Max Planck NYU Center for Language, Music and Emotion (CLaME), 2021, New York University, États-Unis
  • TABARA, J. D., J.JÄGER, P.HARRISON, D.MANGALAGIU, S.PEDDE, M.GRASSO, K.HÖLSCHER - "Design of Transformative Strategies" - 2018, Oxford
  • ALIJANI, S., R.DEBREF, L.THOMAS, M.BOUDES, D.MANGALAGIU, "Meta-Analysis of Social Innovation across Europe", European Union FP7-SSH.2013.1.1-1-613411-SIMPACT – D3.1, 2015
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "A research agenda for digital SSH in H2020 and beyond" dans The Onlife Manifesto: Being human in a hyperconnected world, 2013, Belgique
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F.MEISSNER, C.JAEGER, ""Bulgaria: Climate Protection Policy in a Changing Economic Environment, Policy Brief for the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety", German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,", 2013
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Green Economy, Energy Efficiency: Lessons Learned and What Next" dans Navigating Changing Currents: New Energy Policies and Business Trends in the Black Sea and Caspian region, 2013, Roumanie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F.MEISSNER, C.JAEGER, "Towards a green growth' compelling narrative, Policy Brief for the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety", 2012
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Progress and new initiatives in IRG Project / IHDP" dans 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference, 2012, Suisse
  • MANGALAGIU, D., F.MEISSNER, C.JAEGER, ""Romania: Economic situation and existing climate-related policy instruments"", 2012
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "A new growth path for Europe" dans WWF Green forum - A green path of growth for the european economy, 2012, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Global risks - an integrated governance approach" dans 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference, 2012, Suisse
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "The role of foresight in enhancing community resilience" dans Keynote speaker in the Conference on Community Resilience, 2012, Suisse
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "How can a green economy create more and better employment?" dans Linking Policy and Science for Greening the Economy: 2nd EU Dialogue on Sustainable Consumption and Economic Growth, 2012, Belgique
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "New Frontiers: What's Happening in Modeling Today? The Changing Practice of Modeling and How to Make Change" dans International Network of Resource Information Centers Annual Conference, 2012, Hongrie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Local actions and community empowerment" dans 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference, 2012, Suisse
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Greening Jobs and Growth Potential in Europe" dans The Greens - European Free Alliance - Green jobs: a way out of the crisis, 2012, Danemark
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Financing the green transformation: opportunities and challenges ahead" dans 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference, 2012, Suisse
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Energy Efficiency: from Policy to Implementation" dans Investing in Energy Efficiency Conference, 2012
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Reframing global climate change policy" dans Global Scholars Symposium, 2011, Royaume-Uni
  • MANGALAGIU, D., R.KUPERS, "A New Growth Path for Europe. Generating Prosperity and Jobs in the Low-Carbon Economy" Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment seminar. 2011, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C.JAEGER, "A new growth path for Europe. Generating prosperity and jobs in the low-carbon economy" dans Consequences for Europe to move beyond 20 % emission reductions in 2020, 2011, Hong Kong
  • MANGALAGIU, D., C.JAEGER, L.PAROUSSOS, "A new growth path for Europe : creating prosperity and jobs in the low-carbon economy", 2011
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.MANDEL, "A new growth path for Europe, Les conséquences économiques pour la France et l'Union Européenne du passage à -30%" Séminaire du Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable, du transport et du logement. 2011, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Quelle place pour la protection de l'environnement dans les démarches d'accès aux biens et services pour les pauvres?" dans Conférence internationale de l'Institut Véolia Environnement et l'Agence Française de Développement : Concilier lutte contre la pauvreté et qualité de l'environnement - quelles solutions innovantes?, 2011, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., A.MANDEL, "A new growth path for Europe" dans Les conséquences économiques pour la France et l'UE du passage à moins 30 %, 2011, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Scenarios and Transformative policies and Change" dans Global Environment Outlook, 2011, Turquie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., R.KUPERS, "A new growth path for Europe. Generating prosperity and jobs in the low-carbon economy" Smith School Seminar Series. 2011, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Use of future in climate change: Reflections on the methodology and new processes for creating scenarios" dans Beyond the Zero-Sum Game in Climate Change Policy Workshop, 2010, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Beyond Financial Crisis Scenarios" 2010, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Through Risk to Resilience: The Search for Systemic Foresight in Managing Systemic Risks" Work in Progress Seminar Series. 2010, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Risk and Resilience in Times of Globalization" dans Global Systems Dynamics and Policy Conference, 2010, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "The importance of stakeholder dialogues in climate change mitigation and adaptation" dans Dialok Conference, Coordination Unit for Research in Climate Change, 2009, Danemark
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Web-based approaches to community building and policy development in regional sustainability cases" dans System Dynamic Models of Coupled Natural-Social Systems, 2009, Norvège
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Agent-Based Modeling for Sustainable Development with an illustration: Financial Crisis and Climate Policy." dans Global System Dynamics and Policies and European Climate Forum Workshop, 2009, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Beyond the Financial Crisis: Scenarios Based on a Complex Systems Approach" dans International Network of Resource Information Centers on Resource Use, Environmental Conservation, Systems Modeling and Sustainability Conference, 2009, Hongrie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Challenges to link models and data to policy and societal action" dans Towards a science of global systems Conference, 2009, Belgique
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Models and scenarios for decision-making" dans Type Theory and Sustainability Modeling, 2009, Allemagne
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Development of a low carbon city index" dans 1st Workshop on Local and Regional Sustainability, 2009, Danemark
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "How do European and U.S. Energy sectors address climate change? A comparative study of the role of corporate social responsibility" dans Meeting of the International Energy Workshop, 2008, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Corporate Social Responsibility & Climate Change: a case study of the European and US Energy Sectors" Balaton Group Seminar. 2008, Suède
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Multi-level scenario development and verification with social experiments and agend-based simulation" dans Scenarios & complexity workshop, 2008, Royaume-Uni
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Exploring the regulatory future of CO² emissions" dans Oxford futures forum, 2008, Royaume-Uni
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Doing good (models) for doing well: Ethics of modeling for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) development" Ethics, Values, and the Next Generation of Energy and Climate Modeling Seminar. 2008, Suède
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Bringing together Agent-Based Modeling and Scenario Planning approach on global energy issues" dans SFI Workshop Catalyzing Change in the Global Energy System, 2007, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Corporate social responsibility: from shareholders to stakeholders in the energy sector" 2006, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Economic performance and dynamics of hierarchical organizations" dans One day on Complexity Wordshop, 2006, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.LAMIERI, V.PAONE, "Modelling voluntary norm contagion: an Agent-based model applicable to corporate social responsibility" dans Conférence Complex behaviour in economics: modelling, computing and mastering complexity, 2006, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Corporate social responsibility: the Asian factor" dans Conférence CSR: Agendas for Asia, 2006, Malaisie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Organizational and socio-economic dynamics: from stockholders to stakeholders in the energy sectors" dans EES Frontiers in Geoscience Colloquium, 2006, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Présentation des travaux de recherche sur Organizational dynamics et Corporate Social Responsibility Contagion au Département Self-Organizing Systems", 2006, États-Unis
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Simulating emergence of complex collective dynamics in the stock markets" Workshop. 2005, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Collective innovation and knowledge creation in a model of network formation and evolution" Workshop Simulating Emergence of Complex Collective Dynamics. 2005, Italie
  • MANGALAGIU, D., "Collective innovation and knowledge creation in a model of network formation and evolution" 2004, France
  • MANGALAGIU, D., M.FERRALIS, M.WEINFELD, "Optimisation de l'algorithme des k plus proches voisins dans un système coopératif de reconnaissance d'écriture manuscrite" CIFED (Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document). 1999, Canada