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Nishani est professeur associé dans le département Hommes et Organisations de NEOMA Business School. Elle a un doctorat de Harvard Business School et un bachelor de Princeton University. Dans ses recherches, Nishani explore comment les normes profondément enracinées façonnent les expériences des individus et des organisations pendant des périodes de transition et de changement. Elle mobilise des méthodes de recherche qualitatives et quantitatives pour son travail. Elle a étudié notamment: comment les anesthésistes français qui pratiquent l’hypnose au bloc opératoire s’éloignent des normes de leur profession et réinventent leur travail ; comment les normes de responsabilité internalisées pendant la vie professionnelle d’anciens chauffeurs de métro parisiens altèrent leurs expériences quand ils sont promus managers. D’autres travaux s’intéressent aux normes sociétales au sens large et au rôle que ces normes peuvent jouer quand une organisation décide de changer de pratiques organisationnelles. Nishani se focalise sur les enjeux de l’adoption de pratiques moins hiérarchiques, et sur divers pratiques de compensation dans le contexte culturel français. Sa recherche est publiée dans des journaux tels que Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, et Harvard Business Review. Avant de rejoindre l’univers académique, Nishani a travaillé dans la finance, en négociant des produits à revenu fixe à Wall Street. 

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Normes
  • Changements
  • Professions
  • Pratiques de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines

Récentes contributions académiques

  • BOURMAULT, N., "The Benefits of Being a Cultural Outsider: The Journey of MNEs Becoming Less Hierarchical in France" dans Academy of Management, 2024, Chicago, États-Unis
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Golden Hands or Out of My Hands? Shifting Contexts and Sense of Professional Expertise: The Journey of Doctors Involved in Global Surgery" dans EGOS Colloquium, 2024, Milan, Italie
  • BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Rebooting One’s Professional Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis", Administrative Science Quarterly, Août 2023, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 913 - 955
    DOI : 10.1177/00018392231190300


  • BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Rebooting One’s Professional Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis", Administrative Science Quarterly, Août 2023, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 913 - 955
    DOI : 10.1177/00018392231190300
  • BOURMAULT, N., J. SIEGEL, "Why Local Adaptation Sometimes Fails to be Effective for MNEs: Exploring the Dynamics of Collective Bonuses, Egalitarianism, and Informal Norms", Journal of Management Studies, Juin 2022, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 886-924
    DOI : 10.1111/joms.12757
  • BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Becoming a Manager Doesn’t Always Feel Like a Step Up", Harvard Business Review, Mars 2021, vol. online
  • BOURMAULT, N., M.ANTEBY, "Unpacking the Managerial Blues: How Expectations Formed in the Past Carry into New Jobs", Organization Science, Novembre 2020, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1452-1474
    DOI : 10.1287/orsc.2020.1361

Academic conferences

  • BOURMAULT, N., "Golden Hands or Out of My Hands? Shifting Contexts and Sense of Professional Expertise: The Journey of Doctors Involved in Global Surgery" dans EGOS Colloquium, 2024, Milan, Italie
  • BOURMAULT, N., "The Benefits of Being a Cultural Outsider: The Journey of MNEs Becoming Less Hierarchical in France" dans Academy of Management, 2024, Chicago, États-Unis
  • BOURMAULT, N., "A Voluntary Reinvention of One's Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis" dans Academy of Management, 2023, Boston
    DOI : 10.5465/AMPROC.2023.339bp
  • BOURMAULT, N., "The benefits of being a cultural outsider to informal norms: The journey of MNEs becoming less hierarchical in France" dans EGOS Colloquium, 2022, Vienna, Autriche
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists" dans Academy of Management, 2022, Seattle, États-Unis
  • BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" dans EGOS Colloquium, 2021, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
  • SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" dans Academy of Management, 2016, Anaheim, États-Unis
  • SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" dans EGOS Colloquium, 2015, Athens, Grèce

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • ANTEBY, M., N. BOURMAULT, "A Radical Reinvention of Work from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists" Harvard’s Culture and Social Analysis Workshop. 2022, Cambridge, États-Unis
  • ANTEBY, M., N. BOURMAULT, "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" Transitions Research Group. 2022, États-Unis
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists”" Department Seminar Series, NEOMA Business School,. 2021, Paris, France
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" dans Wharton’s People and Organizations Conference Round Table, 2021, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Benefitting from Less Hierarchical Practices in France" Department Seminar Series, NEOMA Business School. 2020, Paris, France
  • BOURMAULT, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" Department Seminar Series. 2017, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France
  • BOURMAULT, N., "Exploring the Dynamics of Egalitarianism and the Effectiveness of Pay-for-Performance Compensation" Brown Bag Seminar. 2017, NEOMA, Rouen, France
  • BOURMAULT, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" 2016, HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, France
  • SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" dans ESCP-­-SHO Research seminar, 2016, Paris, France
  • SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" dans Wharton’s People and Organizations Conference Round Table, 2015, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • SIRIWARDANE, N., "The Impact of Cultural Values on Multinational’s Organizational Practices" dans Harvard Business School Student Research Symposium, 2014, Boston, États-Unis